Is this goodbye? :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Adrian Wong, Dec 4, 2002.

  1. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hello everyone...

    Adrian's Rojak Pot has been hit by yet another hosting bullet. It goes by the cryptic name HTTP 403.9. You probably know it better as the white page with these words of gloom - "HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected - Internet Information Services".

    After messaging our host countless times, we finally got word that they actually limit the number of simultaneous connections to IIS. The limit they set by default is 500 simultaneous connections.

    Now, that may seem like a lot but according to MSDN, a single web browser "typically make up to four simultaneous connections to download text and graphics from a page." So, the 500 simultaneous connections will actually translate into something like only 125-150 visitors at any one time! It would be ridiculous to assume that even a small site like Adrian's Rojak Pot will survive on such a small number of simultaneous connections.

    Gearhost is recommending that we switch to a semi-dedicated hosting package. However, all that gives us is "a few more features as well like 1GB of disk space and unlimited connections as well as high CPU usage." And a price tag four times higher than what we are currently paying!!!

    That's really more than we can afford to pay. Especially when we have been using about 4-5GB of bandwidth per day (according to Gearhost). I thank all of you for your kind support by turning out for our launch in such massive numbers. However, I don't think we can pay for the bandwidth (and the unlimited connections) that we will need to keep the site afloat.

    Therefore, I'm afraid unless we can come to a more reasonable agreement with Gearhost, we will have to pack our bags and look for a new host. I hope it doesn't have to come to that... but I'm just letting you all know in advance just in case they cut the pipeline and Adrian's Rojak Pot goes offline yet again.
  2. Streetboost

    Streetboost Newbie

    oh....that is just so sad to hear it.maybe i should limit my self to opening several pages of your forum? :D anyways i hope this problem does resolves in a quick and budget manner . Good Luck
  3. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    I believe that opening forums in several windows is not a problem! :D The forum is running on a PHP server.

    We are only having problems with the IIS server which serves our ASP.NET web pages. That is the one limiting concurrent connections to 500 only.

    So, you may continue to open several windows of our forums. :D
  4. 8balls

    8balls Newbie

    boo for M$! IMO, dump and go for php. coldfusion even. anything that runs on a nice apache server in unix would be way better than any OS m$ puts out.

    p/s and thanks so much for deleting my previous first post. :roll:
  5. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    We have just recieved a reply from our host that they have released the IIS limitation to an unlimited concurrent connections now. So, you should not be getting any HTTP 403.9 errors anymore.

    Does that mean all our problems is resolved?

    Well, we shall see.
  6. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    We really don't mind you posting that actually. But since we have already posted in the front page, I don't see the point of posting in here again. Hope you will understand. ;)

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