Our cute angel, angel1011!

Discussion in 'Spotlight!' started by Jet, Apr 16, 2005.

  1. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    *whacks the ghey lord with the "no ghey-trespassing here!!" signpost* :twisted:
  2. ESP

    ESP Newbie

    Oops. The Devil's Angel is here. Gotta run.
  3. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    BlackSheep scoops up a bucket of ice cold water and splashes ESP with them. OI! That wasn't what I was expecting, girls response it should be, not guys. :haha:
  4. ESP

    ESP Newbie

    What about half girl, half guy? :oops: :oops:
  5. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    Whet?...not hard enough? Come... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  6. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    *thinks really hard...* okay....
    here's ur response---> :drool: :drool: :drool: :oops:
    :dance: :dance: :dance: :mrgreen:
  7. cypris

    cypris Newbie

    eww... the image that it conveys in my head is just seriously disturbing... :sick: :sick: :sick: *runs to the loo to puke*
  8. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    angel. so pretty. beautifull. :D
  9. Jet

    Jet Just Started

    Everyone is saying angel beautiful.. :mrgreen:
    Angel must be very happy now.. :mrgreen:
  10. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    shutup. shes on the phone with me right now :rolleyes:
  11. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    :confused: alamak.....another blind croc... :roll:
  12. Jet

    Jet Just Started

    RUN ANGEL!!!!
    RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! :pray:

    :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  13. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    just kidding la. im not buaya anymore. dunno why somehow my buayaness gone :|
    angel, do you like romantic guy or joyfull guy? :think:
  14. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    i think ur buayaness "subsided" coz u haven't been hanging out with other buayas for sooo long... :haha:

    actually i prefer a guy with both...... :mrgreen: but i'm having a hell of "good" time now so the idea of starting a relationship is out of question..... :)
  15. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    hmm...interesting theory. Siddiq good boy now? :whistle:

    On the same note, do you prefer guys with some 'buaya instinct' in him? :wicked: If not, do hanging out with your friends who prefer such influence you? :think:
  16. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    an interesting theory my fren told me:
    how to identify a buaya??...well, only buayas have this-->lil. brother :haha: :haha:
    therefore we reach the conclusion that there's no choice, coz all of them are buayas!! just the buaya species that matters... :haha:

    ok, seriously....buayas are sort of fun to hang around with....some of them can be faithful and some of them are not. you just have to pick the right one according to your preferences, anyway my frens dun prefer buayas lar....they're much more serious than i do.. :oops:
  17. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    LOL! Your friends prefer 'serious buayas'? Those that talk serious sweet nothing only? :think: :shifty:
  18. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    Hi angel how are you... since a long time never meet you...Anyway watch out lot of buaya around LOL... :haha: :haha: But all of them are good buaya :cool:
  19. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    hi elton u been missing for so long!!! :wave:
    anyway ur buaya warning is too late...:p all of them are good buaya?? obviously u haven't see their fangs.... :roll: :haha:
    1 person likes this.
  20. ESP

    ESP Newbie

    I'm a good toothless buaya. [​IMG]

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