Second-Hand pre 2006 PDAs?

Discussion in 'Notebooks & Mobile Devices' started by The_YongGrand, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Hey there,

    I've seen some old PDAs with a normal condition being sold in auction stores, with even Wi-Fis.

    They are below RM300 and they are quite dated.

    Could they be used safely with casual web browsers and can install other new applications? :D
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Should not be a problem. :think:
  3. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    I see.

    Well I might double and triple check the conditons though. They are cheap, but the screen part is what I worried the most! :haha:
  4. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Yeah, but also check the battery. It's the battery that fails after 2-3 years. :(
  5. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    But they could be too slow for web browsing. If you are using dated web browser, features can be fairly limited.
  6. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    I see.I need to check the specs for the software inside too. It's an old HP iPAQ with a WiFi inside. :haha:
  7. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Your PDA can probably only handle Opera Mini. Opera Mobile should be out of question unless it comes with fast processor.

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