Have no idea what to look for in a PSU

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by Pmaw10, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Stephenishere

    Stephenishere Newbie

    I got my cool master for 25$ which is cheap(was on sale), it has 450 watts and dual 12 volts. Id say thats cheap and good :p Just watch around for rebates and deals. Thats how i try to by my stuff. The psu i got is normally 75 :) (Had 25 dollar instat rebate then the 25 mail in rebate.)
  2. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    On the subject of PSU's... let me say this (from personal experience). You get what you pay for... DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT cheap out for a PSU. Pay more if you have to for a quality PSU as oppposed to saving a few bucks on a cheapo model... ;)
    1 person likes this.
  3. Kalo

    Kalo Newbie

    I couldn't agree more here, don't want to risk ruining the other components of your computer with a cheapo PSU, spend the extra $$$!
  4. kayFX

    kayFX Newbie

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