A smile to brighten up your day! :D

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Adrian Wong, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. yhng

    yhng Newbie

    Coz they're more tenacious of life than many animals. :mrgreen: Try throwing a cat out a tall building and see...
  2. vccy118

    vccy118 Newbie

    I get what you mean. As long as the cat is still concious, it won't drop dead from height. I thought there is a legend or a myth behind it. :p
  3. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Actually, I think it's because no matter how they fall, they always land on their feet.

    Naturally, that improves their chance of surviving any fall.
  4. zy

    zy zynine.com Staff Member

    yea.. if you throw them from a height which is quite low sometimes cat can get injured because they do not have time to get them selves prepared :haha: sometimes they need more height :p
  5. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Yeah, that's true. But how did you know? :wicked:

    Did you throw a cat to find out?? :shock:
  6. zy

    zy zynine.com Staff Member

    watch it on TV :haha:

    i'm not so evil to experiment it on cats :p
  7. vccy118

    vccy118 Newbie

    My grandmother's cat jumped from the roof of a double-storey semi-d when it suddenly started to rain.... quite fun to watch. :mrgreen:
  8. yhng

    yhng Newbie

    My mate throws his housemate's cat out the window if it sleeps on his study chair. 4 storeys high and the cat never got hurt (abeit some sore paws maybe) :haha: :haha:
  9. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    They really have great balance. :thumb:

    Not so sure about the smile though!! :haha: :haha:
  10. vien

    vien Newbie

    LOL!!! best joke ever.........................:thumb: :haha: :haha:

    we once found a cat dropped dead in the middle of boy's hostel. I think it jumped and commited suicide. :shifty:
  11. zy

    zy zynine.com Staff Member

    sure it was not murdered ? :think: call CSI in .. quick!!
  12. vccy118

    vccy118 Newbie

    Are you sure it dropped dead on plain floor? Maybe it landed on some spikes or on a hedgehog.... :mrgreen: :haha:
  13. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    DYKT: Dog is stupid. :cool: Hmm... and I wonder why it's dog and not cat man's best friend. :think:
  14. vccy118

    vccy118 Newbie

    I think it is because dogs are much faithful if compared with cats.... cats like to scratch ppl... :nuts:
    Dogs are stupid, i admit that :p :haha:
  15. Jet

    Jet Just Started

    DYKT: No animal is smarter than human..... :p
  16. zy

    zy zynine.com Staff Member

    DYKT : dogs can be smart too ?

    DYKT : i love dogs because they are very loyal

    DYKT : i miss my previos dog

    DYKT : he was a natural hunter (killed cats, snakes, monitor lizards)
  17. Jet

    Jet Just Started

    DYKT: I thought this is a DYKT thread.. :?
    DYKT: It is not.. :mrgreen:

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