A Spot Of Problem...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Adrian Wong, Dec 17, 2002.

  1. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hello everyone... We are a little busy today. Got a few bugs to work out in the forums but I'm happy to say that everything's working alright now.

    However, we are now faced with a bigger problem. Although our team did a great job making sure that the new ARP is lean and mean, the sheer number of visitors (over 14 thousand visitors yesterday!) means that we are gobbling an enormous amount of bandwidth. In fact, our meter just nudged past 50GB the last time I checked.

    We estimate we will need to use anywhere from 80GB to 120GB per month. We never expected to get so many visitors actually. Heheh... We planned only for 20-30GB of bandwidth a month. Thanks for support, everyone! :)

    However, this all means we'll have to negotiate with our host. I'm not saying GearHost sucks. Well, they did some things that we didn't expect they would do. As such, we have had to negotiate with them on several occasions these last two weeks just to get the site working properly.

    And now, we have to negotiate with them for a reasonable price for our bandwidth use. Hopefully, it works out. If it doesn't, ARP will have to move to another host. I'm very tired of spending my time arguing over statistics and accounting. Heck, I should be spending my time writing! ;)

    Well, this is just to let you guys know the sticky situation we are in. If you see us disappear, it will be because we are in the process of shifting to a new host. Keep checking back cause we will pop back again.

    Now, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope GearHost is in a reasonable mood!
  2. PY 222

    PY 222 <b>DF King</b>

    Woah.... that is alot of bandwidth.

    Here is to hoping that ARP won't need to move anymore. Keep your fingers cross everybody :lol:
  3. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hello PY222!

    We managed to get a pretty good deal from GearHost. The 100GB of bandwidth is still going to cost us quite a bit of money but if the HTML compression works, we should be able to maintain or even reduce our bandwidth costs. Hehe... Hopefully. ;)

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