Adrian Is In In.Tech!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by hyper_raider, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ROTFL!! Okay, back to topic! :haha:
  2. Maximus_Detritus

    Maximus_Detritus Moderator

    Hey hey dude ;)

    Welcome to the ARP Forums! :arp:

    I'm from Kuching too, nice to know you've found out about this site :)

    Yes, we have a mostly crappy selection here, but hey, you gotta know where to look. :) And if you want to assemble your own, we have lots of S'jung based members who might be able to help you, and I myself make trips to KL now and then to get some new hardware. The latest results of my trips are in my Sig ;)

    Enjoy your stay! :wave:

    Back to Topic :

    Boss is now famous. And he's also famous by association. Hehe, next year, for the next BBQ, we must get him to wear yellow wellingtons and a gold chain! ;)
  3. wodenus

    wodenus Banned

    Well doctors have been known to wear construction boots.. depends on where they're working I guess :)
  4. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    no penang?
  5. Papercut

    Papercut Newbie

    OK lah. Penang, Kuching, and possibly the floating island of Mandango too! :thumb:
  6. zy

    zy Staff Member

    how could you forget penang in the first place :haha:
  7. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    u guys are going off topic....
  8. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Way off...

    +1. :haha:

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