Correct. Come on: even girls surprise each other with what they think is romantic. I don't see a problem asking directly. But that too is really depending on the girl and the nature of your relationship with her.
er..note to u guys out there... i noticed that perfume was mentioned as one of the gifts for gals... but last time i check, people are advising against giving perfume as a gift due to certain belives... its not supossed to be good for the relationship.... correct me if i'm wrong... ok now... back to the interview
This is news. Interesting... More details please, anyone knows about this. Yeah, so it's off topic. To paraphrase the song, it's my party and I'll off-topic if I want to!
Went to police station to report missing wallet. Was stolen! On a crowded bus! So do beware of crowded public areas, everyone!
sorry to hear that! once a picpocket try to steal my moms purse by cutting the bag. my mom felt the pushing than she quickly swing her bag . than the picpoket ran
When I go to crowded places like Pudu bus station, etc. My hands will be all over my pockets, checking all the time. Stressful...