Any ideas To Attract Gals?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by siddiq, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. Falcone

    Falcone Official Mascot Creator

    ok since u guys like being watch by girls.....pop quiz

    When u notice a girl or girls noticing you, what do u do

    1. Pretend dunno
    2. Stare back at her
    3. Walk away.
    4. Go towards her and ask her phone number...... :haha: :haha: :haha:
  2. u

    u ■ ■ ■ ■

    STARE back at her :p
  3. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Yup. Staring competition is cool. But no one looks at me. So, no worries. :lol:
  4. u

    u ■ ■ ■ ■

    but it'll b cooler if u just pretend dunno and walk away...
  5. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie the other way round.....

    wat will u do if a ugly girl stare at u? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    wat will be ur reaction? :mrgreen:
  6. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    if it's a pretty gal..
    i would either stare back or pretend dunno.. pretend dunno would be more likely.. :oops:
    if it's a ugly gal.. i'll get the hell outta there... someplace i can't see her and she can't see me... :sick:
  7. u

    u ■ ■ ■ ■

    wht if it's love at first sight for da ugly gal and she kept on following you.....chasing you...? :twisted:
  8. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Accept her. Hey... love is the most important thing! :haha:
  9. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    quickly find a river or a drain and jump in :mrgreen:

    dash, is most important but not for ugly one :naughty:
  10. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    a one night stand maybe ? :wave: :haha:
  11. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    there are a lots of 'toy girl' and 'toy boy' in kl.. :p
  12. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Huh? What's a toy girl? :think:
  13. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    girl that like one night stand.. :p

    always looking for chun guy to get sex for free... :lol:

    btw, dont ask me where can get it :mrgreen:
  14. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Ohh... you can get it at disco. :thumb: But I can't I think, not handsome. :eh:
  15. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie


    u can be toy boy too... :mrgreen:

    40 years old aunty will find u :mrgreen:

    :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  16. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    yeah.. same here..
    and i'm too short too... :cry:
  17. u

    u ■ ■ ■ ■

    40 yr old??
    die man.....
  18. Falcone

    Falcone Official Mascot Creator

    Didn't you watch American Pie......the older the better hahaha :haha: :haha: :haha:
  19. lung

    lung Just Started

  20. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Yeah... older women know what they want and need. More experience... ;)

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