Award BIOS error - Watch Dog function?

Discussion in 'BIOS Optimization Guide (BOG)' started by Jeff H, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. Jeff H

    Jeff H Newbie


    A buddy of mine has components that I previously used, w/o issue. Recently he's been receiving the following error message on POST: Warning! Insert Key pressed or Clock GEN. Watch Dog Reset Please enter them in Setup, and save the settings before exit!

    He's made no changes to the BIOS to warrant the Watch Dog to kick in. The system (EPoX EP-4PDA2+, i865) is not overclocked. BIOS is 06/20/2003 version; there is an update available. He has to press the F1 key to continue the BIOS post. If he disables the Watch Dog function the system will not post.

    Can anyone offer suggestions as to why this is occuring, and what could be done to "fix" it?


  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hmm.. Could be a battery issue.

    It sounds like either he pressed the Insert key, or the clock generator settings have been reset.
  3. Runnerno1

    Runnerno1 Newbie

    Insert Key pressed

    I've been getting the same problem recently. Any ideas anyone??
  4. 1031982

    1031982 Just Started

    I agree, it sounds like something with the battery. How old is the system? You can try re-setting CMOS or replacing the battery and re-setting CMOS. (I always re-set CMOS if I do anything with the battery. I just want to be sure all settings are what they should be.)

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