Beauty.......and the BEAST!!! Quiz Time!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Yupie, Jun 22, 2003.

  1. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Read it a second time. She was that girl last time... :think: :whistle:
  2. drab

    drab Newbie

    Does sumurai have hairy arms :?: :shock:
  3. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Yeah... and I have hairy arms too. :lol:
  4. sumurai

    sumurai Newbie

    oh my god where is the polis :arp: this is so off topic.. anyway what is this thread is about?
  5. onscr33n

    onscr33n Newbie

    well another beast in here to join the girls party? hhmmm.. i think i should call my self the hot chick ( a movie ) :D

    hhmmm.... off topic agian, dash...
  6. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    I didn't went off topic this time. The police that went off topic... *sigh* And as usual, I'll take the blame again. Nvmla.. this world is corrupted anyway. :snooty: :whistle:
  7. drab

    drab Newbie

    Lots of beasts have hairy arms :? so how can we be off topic :?: :roll:
  8. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Hmm... that happens to be true. And have you seen b4 beasts with squeeky clean and smooth arms? :lol:
  9. Yupie

    Yupie News Writer

    okok.. my Beuty thread cover "how to cure the hairy arm" too...!

    let me go and find out the cure first.... becoz i dun have hairy arm...!! :mrgreen:
  10. goldfries


    hairy arm or hairy armpit?

    btw it's spelt BEAUTY.
  11. drab

    drab Newbie

    Hairy armpits arent so bad :angel:
  12. onscr33n

    onscr33n Newbie

    easy, use masking tape, tape on the arm.. and piaaaaaakkkk!!! tear out.. wow, damn syok :mrgreen:
  13. drab

    drab Newbie

    PLEASE yupie,edit the title and put the a back in beauty. :roll:
  14. goldfries


    i take it that you're a masochist (or however u spell it)? :p

    i'm sure no girls are willing to go thru that.
  15. drab

    drab Newbie

    They do it all the time with leg wax and stuff :roll:
  16. fuzzy

    fuzzy Newbie

    You're talking about the same species that wax their leg..

    It wasn't fun, I can vouch to that. :boohoo:
  17. drab

    drab Newbie

    Fuzzy,do you wax your legs :?: if not how do you know :roll: :shock:
  18. fuzzy

    fuzzy Newbie

    Let's just say, never fall asleep when a girl is waxing her leg. NEVER.
  19. drab

    drab Newbie

    Fuzzy,a shiver went down my spine when i read your post :shifty: If she did that to you,it must have been a terrible experience :shock: I hope you recovered enough to take revenge :twisted: :lol:
  20. sumurai

    sumurai Newbie

    fuzzy, you girlfriend wax your leg when you're asleep? :shock:

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