Err.. You do know that adorable is not a "look". Please give us a specific list of what you like and DON'T like in a potential "tree".
Can.. When I next go down. Hey, give us some tips too! Also, you have not answered my question.
Well, I'm talking about the better writers -- not Harlequin Mills & Boons, okay? But some of them have actually got quite a lot to do with psychology.. at least IMHO. Try reading Perfect by Judith McNaught. See for yourself: The Fabio International Fan Club. But everytime I see one of his books on a shelf in a boostore, I get the shivers -- and no, NOT in a good way.
Ooh! This Fabio! Okay, I've seen him around a few times already. I didn't know he was a "writer". I thought he was just a model. But he's still a LOT better than The Asian Prince. Hey, back to topic! Dashken, please answer our questions!
metrosexual = guys who like to look their best, love shopping, do their nails, spend hours trying to get their hair done correctly b4 they get out of the house, and stuff like that. example of a metrosexual guy = ryan seacrest
metrosexual, supposedly the new term for the modern breed of guys who use facial wash and some of the has-always-been-only-girls' products... metrosexual (met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.
*Better hide somewhere before saying this... * *Shouting!* : I THOUGHT ALL PENANGITES ARE KIAMSIAP PEOPLE?!!!! Uh oh...I'm running away now....
At least they have good food... I wouldnt know anything about whatever that is. But, one thing is for sure....... Back to Topic!
Dude, Kiamsiap = Stingy (it's not food) It's well within the topic and since Dasky is from that region, it will be interesting to note his response to this popular notion.