DYKT I got a new heatsink in the mail yesterday. Hope it works well, reviews have been mixed. It was free so I can't argue with that.
DYKT : I was wondering what happened to you? DYKT : I messaged you but I guess you could not read it then? How are you doing??
DYKT: They had to dig into the muscle behind my eye and according to the doctor 'move' the muscle. DYKT: At least my double vision is gone. The eye still red and stings a little.
DYKT: Here's some stuff I made when I'm slightly insomniac. DYKT: That thing ain't made from the DOS command prompt. I drove the old beaten up CRT monitor with a 32-bit microcontroller, and tested the character generator ROM. Due to the speed of the processor, it can't go up than 640x480. It is only 400+ dots on the horizontal, hence the stretched fonts.