DYKT: It's your fault? DYKT: I much prefer here than FB? Now FB is just a mess with top updates that I'm not interested in, full of "softcore porn", sex enhancement ads which I don't need.
DYKT: I hardly liked anything? And if I liked those things, I would have 'enjoyed' them? Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
DYKT: I'm not sure why you don't like those things... hmm... I thought any guy would like it. For one, I know Adrian Wong loves them!
In the plan? Chai... you're up! Btw, is there a forum plugin for tagging people for this forum? Like the one used at XDA?
Not a big fan of FB, so I'm not at all familiar with integration with social sites. I don't even have a Twitter account.
Good luck then... DYKT: I'm still poor. God... wherever you are, please seriously... rain money on me... real legit USD$100 notes please...
DYKT : My HDD suddenly suffered a catastrophic failure... without warning. At night, it was perfectly fine. I even checked its SMART status and everything was copacetic. Then came morning, and the drive was deader than a doorknob. DYKT : I later compounded that problem by accidentally elbowing a plastic container with a different HDD and that HDD flew out and fell 34 inches to the floor, instantly killing it in the process? But.... DYKT : I somehow managed to recover about half of the HDD's data and am processing the rest.
Ah, one of the worst part in life is always a broken HDD too. Once I have some important parts of my Masters' thesis inside my HDD. Then I couldn't see the HDD. The motor kept shutting down for no reason. Wasn't the standby - I turned these standbys off. Lucky me when the HDD is back up again, I took out the contents and backup it. I'm not losing any important documents in a broken HDD anymore.
DYKT : HDD recovery is a VERY tedious process. It's been several days, and I'm still trying to recover data. DYKT : I never knew I lost so much data until I started to recover them... DYKT : Partitions really help reduce the damage even in a head crash.