He looks gay to me. Haha. By the way... Jet's doggy avatar in the webby! Lol. Is that why he changed to a new one?
Lol. Well, I have been quite busy lately, I don't have much time to come here often. See this video. Really disgusting. * Link removed *
Spin - Cool DJ concept webfilm An amazing 11 minute short film. It's probably the coolest concept I have seen in a web movie for a while. A DJ's skills effect everyday life around him, he finds every time he brings back time and fixes something... something else goes wrong. This seriously deserves it's own thread, but I put it here
http://content2.i-am-bored.com/games/7165_simpsonsliveaction467.wmv Edit: Right click and save. The Simpsons' intro acted out by real people.