Ever Have Gay Friends?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by siddiq, Nov 6, 2003.

  1. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie


    i just watch their 'wall the thing she said' live concert :drool: :drool: :drool: :mrgreen:
  2. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    :liar: they are not russian, it's just an act :p :p :p
  3. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    it doesn'ts matter if it's an act or notss..
    we likeses it.. it's all that matterrss...

    anywayss.. download the concert where they're wearing white.. the one when it was raining..
    u can see thru everything... i have the pics..
    pm me if u want themses..
  4. u suck.com

    u suck.com ■ ■ ■ ■

    which concert?
    where was da concert in?
  5. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    all the thing she said...downloaded from kazaa :oops:
  6. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    russia we thinks..
  7. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    :wave: :think: dont go off topic. chai is getting serious than ever now. he locked the topic for sure. haha. im still searching for gay friends. kaka
  8. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    gay friends ?
    there are not many gals in ARP.. wrong place siddiq
    btw, are u gay ?
    i don't think people will admit their gay either in arp...
  9. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    What if people admit? Are they telling the truth then? :think:
  10. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    i m gay...

    so wat? :think:
  11. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    well.. why shouldn't they tell the truth ?

    :clap: cs5...that's more like it... i don't see why gays always like to hide their sexuality...
  12. CleanSerious5

    CleanSerious5 Banned

    arent gays/bi= faggots?
  13. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    hmmm... that's another word for gay/bi ppl...
    it has the same meaning actually.. hehe
  14. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Faggot is homosexual man, so they are gay, and not bi! :roll:
  15. CleanSerious5

    CleanSerious5 Banned

    bi shares common interest with gays.
    so how to know who is bi/gay?
  16. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    wat is bi stand for?
  17. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Bisexual. Well, why want to identify them? Move on with your life. :whistle:
  18. athlonxp

    athlonxp Newbie

    and slutty too :drool: :drool: :drool:
  19. CleanSerious5

    CleanSerious5 Banned

    cos of ur topic.
  20. jinongman

    jinongman Newbie

    can we call bisexual men 'gay' too ?
    after all... they do like men also.. :think:

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