My car guzzlers more gas then you think lah bugger. I can drive that potong but the prob is whether u can make it to my place in one piece?
TT Photos! Set 1! 1. The gang 2. Chai Da Police thinking what to drink... 3. Starbucks Cafe Latte.... Elixir of life! 4. Adrian: "Haiya... aren't you suppose to buy me a drink?!!!" 5. Jeremy Da Black Sheep.... Baaaaaaaa!!!
PHotos Set 2!!! 1. Let's see what Dashky is posting in the forums... Hmmmm 2. Strawberry aka Panda... 3. Police 4. Charles... 5. Urm.. Charles...
Photos Set 3!!!! 1. Leian 2. Adrian: "Let's see what Dashky is up to again" 3. Empire23: "Alright! Let's check!" 4. "Hmmmm.... As expected... Babe's thread..." 5. Elixir of Vitality...
Photos Set 4!!!! 1. Oh no... no more cafe latte!!! NooooooooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOOOO oooOOoooOooOooOOOoooooo!" 2. "Dang... Dashky still in the Babe's thread... wait... TF's there too...! Innocent... cheh!" 3. Bleh! 4. "Hmmmmm. TechARP's bunch's kinda weird, aren't they?" 5. Waiter: "Haiya... so messy one!" PS: Man, how I wish there's a VB plugin to just drag and drop images to attach it here and also, not just a limit of 5! LOL!
Photos Set 5!!!! 1. Adrian: "Hahahahaha (LOL)" 2. Chai: "Hehehe" 3. Marc: "Oh... no wonder" 4. Empire23: "Celaka... sleep also no peace" 5. Coffee: "These guys are weird"
Photos Set 6!!!! 1. magic Leian.... Cool! 2. Marc.... looking cool too! 3. Charles: Huh? Wat's with the cool cool business? 4. Chai: Man. I don't get them either 5. Leian: Check out my cross stiching! That's what's cool!
Photos Set 7!!! 1. AlmostThere: "Water cooling..... PSU...... Temperature..... Strobe lights. ...... smoke trails...... casing......... 12kg........" 2. Elixir of Vitality: "What? No one's drinking Da Elixir of Vitality??!!!" 3. Cross stitching! Wanna learn from the Guru? 4. Advertisement.... Starbucks should really pay us for the amount of free exposure we give them! LOL! 5. Adrian: "Yea! Let's ask for 10% discount for TechARP members!"
Photos Set 8!!!! 1. Da Boss... scratching his head... 2. cos he ask for TT, and these people come and do bulk order instead.