FREE 3 months subscription to the complete online BIOS Optimization Guide!

Discussion in 'BIOS Optimization Guide (BOG)' started by xxdekaxx, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. xxdekaxx

    xxdekaxx Newbie

    I just purchased the book in Print from Borders GREAT BOOK, however i want to know how i get the free 3 month subscription to the online guide.

    Im trying to get an A8R32 MVP Deluxe configured and struggling with memory settings. So far i have been unsuccessful getting the operating system to load.

    Looking for information on
    MCT Extra Timing Mode

    Settings for a start

    Please point me in the right direction and let me know how i get the free 3 months
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hello xxdekaxx,

    Just PM me with some kind of proof of purchase and I will have it processed.

  3. erico

    erico Official BOG Supporter!

    Three month free subscription to online BOG?

    I have a similar issue. I purchased the book on 21 February 2007. I was pleased to see the offer of the free online subscription and I received the book in the post. I found that I could not access the complete online guide at all. I was quite disappointed and at the time it did not occur to me to email you a query about it. I can pm you a copy of the order. I do hope that you will afford me the same courtesy extended to the originator of this thread. I will wait for your response.

    Eric Carter
  4. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Unfortunately, the publisher is not a fan of providing anything free. :D

    No worries, Eric. We will have no problem giving you that free subscription. You got PM. :beer:

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