Free online simplified version not working

Discussion in 'BIOS Optimization Guide (BOG)' started by rdkrdk, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. rdkrdk

    rdkrdk Newbie


    I've been trying to access the BIOS Optimization Guide for a few days. Any link related to a BIOS option on the free guide page leads to:

    I didn't find anything about that on the forum so I wanted to point it out. :) Let's hope that it will be resolved soon.
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hmm... You are right. I'll look into it. This is very odd.
  3. rdkrdk

    rdkrdk Newbie

    It's working again, that's great! Thank you.
  4. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Yup! It's working again, thanks to Peaz, who found the fault. Apparently, one of the files necessary to load the BOG pages went missing... :think:

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