Full Moon.....almost.

Discussion in 'Ishtim' started by Ishtim, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. Ishtim

    Ishtim Super Moderator

    Took this tonight about 1/2 hour ago... Brrrr is it cold out! :nuts:

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  2. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Wow...so close, I can almost feel the roughness!
  3. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Wahlau... ni de ma ma... :shock: :thumb:

    Just curious, can you take pics of satellites floating around our atmosphere? :think:
  4. Ishtim

    Ishtim Super Moderator

    Yes, but they would be blur unless we have some way to track them accross the sky. :doh:
  5. zy

    zy zynine.com Staff Member

    satellite travel fast in the sky right ? :think:
  6. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Ooo... how about the space station then? Ohh... dumb me, the skies so big. :doh: :mrgreen:
  7. Ishtim

    Ishtim Super Moderator

    All of us can see the International Space station at one time or another. Actually I will be able to catch it for the next few mornings just before sunrise.

    MY's next available time to see it is 8:27pm local time, THIS saturday evening.


    Event times as follows: Saturday Night 8:27pm looking SSW 10 degrees above the horizon it will appear. 2mins 48sec later it will be positioned in the SE, 53 degrees above the horizon, then at 8:30 in tghe Eastern sky (49 degrees up) it will dissappear into the earths shadow (represented by the dotted line in the pic.

    Attached are KL's VISIBLE pass times for the next few days and a map of the ISS flight path for saturday night.

    This info and a WHOLE lot more is available at http://www.heavens-above.com/
    Register (FREE) then get your location, and you can find the ISS as well as a plethora of other satellite flight stuffs.:thumb:

    PS..... I will try photos for the next few passes, although it will be with wide ange lens. ;)

    EDIT: Times are in 24hrs and Brightness (Magnitude i.e. Mag) is given by:
    -1 is 10X brighter than 0 and 100 times brighter that 1 and so on and so forth.
    Negative numbers brighter than positive.....

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  8. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Hmm but what about those geocentric(?) satellites?
  9. Ishtim

    Ishtim Super Moderator

    Geocentric satellites only share the eath's center of rotation. i.e. they dont always stay in the same place. However a geostationary orbiting body maintains it position in the sky. Most are around the equator and I imagine that finding their exact location would not be easy... :think:
  10. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member


    Just look at the direction of all the satellite tv dish's in your area pointing la!!!:p :p :p

    jk... I know it would be tougher than that. You would have to catch it just at a time that the sun is reflecting off of it. I have seen them "pop into" view in full daylight before.:shock: :D

    Great shot of the moon!!!:clap: :clap: :clap:

    :think: I need to buy some lunar filters for my tele. It is just way to brite with out them.:wall:

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