I own the Canon S1 IS and I'm pretty satisifed with it. Although, nowadays, if i would buy a camera, i would probably go for the Panasonic FZ5. I would think as well on the Canon S2 IS, but i havn't heard too much on it so far. For the Panasonic, i know two people that bought it and i very happy with it. Good Luck making the right decision.
I've decided on Panasonic FZ5, gotta find time to ask a few more shops. Will have to pay by credit card, not enough cash. The cheapest I asked for FZ5 was RM1600 ($421) and add another 512MB SD card was RM160 ($42). Eh, dang... I said that already in the previous page. S2 I heard the price will be around RM2000 ($526), now, that's a lot.
S1 has one... and I think S2 should have too. This is from a S1. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canons1is/page2.asp
I'm outside now and deciding on Sony DSC-H1 and Panasonic FZ-5. Tough choice. Well, that shop guy suggested I take Sony because they don't have the black FZ5 in stock, left silver only. Dang... how how how? Any idea on Sony DSC-H1? I heard the movie mode is good but over-sharpened on pictures. They quote me RM1800 for both but if I take Sony, it will only come with 256MB memory whereas Panasonic comes with 512MB.
Get the camera you like... Don't worry about how much memory it comes with. You can always buy additional media. Or heck, just get a Nikon D70S or D50!!!
D70s they quote me RM3500... D50, RM3400... Better get D70s lo... but I where got so rich la... Just got the Panasonic FZ-5 for RM1749 including a sipek short tripod... and a 512MB SD card. And also a screen protector for RM39... clean total, RM1787. Not bad la... went to so many shops and asked already... that's one of the cheapest I got. Yay! Charging battery time... But I never expect the FZ-5 to be so small in person... expected it to be a bit bigger.
i might be getting a digital camera this year. any suggestions?? budget around rm1500 and below...i might add a hundred or two but nothing too fancy for me coz i really know nothing bout those photocapturing techniques u guys mentioned here... well anyway i'll be using it mainly for snapping photos and upload them on the web. i want something that produce clear and colourful pictures. the pictures are to be put into web album. i'm seriously planning to build a personal website and a digicam is very handy. well.......sony's digicams looks nice enough.....the T3 and T33 series ok??
Been using the canon powershot 2 for the last few years, went to the pc fair over the weekend to look for an upgrage. so far interested me are the ARP's favourited Nikon D70s, canon EOS350D. Both are excellent, the former we hv heard a lot thr ARP forum , how about the canon ? It came with a free powergrip, really bulky, quite a handful to hold on to. The other alternative is the Canon S2 IS which hv mention above thread .
LOL!! thanks but i would prefer anything less bulky and easier to carry around for a gal...just one that's good enough for taking good quality photos and upload them on the web later. Nikon D70s??you gotta be kidding.....way over my rm1500 budget
From dpreview... Well.. for fast action, FZ5 seems like the way to go. S2 top FZ5 on the swivel screen... manual focus, Aperture range and well... they have two movie clips sizes. The other day I got the chance to hold a Sony H1, well... it's pretty cool with the 2.5" screen... but still... I bought the FZ5.
I don't know about the quality though... but below are a few small ones... Canon PowerShot SD500 (Digital IXUS 700) Canon PowerShot SD400 (Digital IXUS 50) Nikon Coolpix S1 Sony DSC-T7
so how do u like your new cam, dashky? i have an FZ-3 myself, but i find it not good enough(noise level, sharpness)...sigh, want to upgrade to a DSLR..but hav to work first...
Hey guys, i'm thinking of upgrading from my Panasonic DMC LC-33. I don't know why, no matter what I try, the shots don't seem vibrant enough, and it's quite hard trying to manipulate the shutter speeds and aperture sizes. And the flash on this digicam is horrible. What i'm looking at is a digicam that will give me more flexibility in changing camera settings. More "manual" if u could put it that way. More possibilities to add other accessories in the future if i want to. Should I go for a low end Digital SLR (eg. D70)eventhough I'm not THAT good at taking shots (esp. human shots) or a high end Digicam (eg. S2 IS, Ixus700, Nikon 8800)?
Which one should I get ... DSC-T33 sufficient enough for someone taking just some shots a month or should I go for the DSC-H1 instead? Both from Sony. Links: DSC-T33 DSC-H1
Hmm...I have absolutely no idea with these models. Hopefully I can go to Sony Wing (Sony showroom) to try that out on Monday...