Looking for cameras? Post all questions here!

Discussion in 'Digital Photography' started by Dashken, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Hmmm are you limiting to those choices only?

    If so, I'd say go for the H1. Otherwise, you might want to take a look at Canon's Powershot S2 IS. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canons2is/

    The Canon A95 is also a nice choice if you dun mind that size and form factor. ;)

    Generally, for general users, I'd usually recommend Canon cameras... very user friendly. As for sony, their CCD sensors are top notch, so image quality is usually not bad.

    Maybe you can tell us what size you likethe camera to be and it's purpose? will be able to give oyu better recomendations.
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Ach.. How did I miss this thread??? :confused:

    Shogun, I would definitely go for the D70s. :wicked:

    Bestia, I think that depends on whether you want a compact camera, or don't mind the extra bulk of the H1. If you don't mind the bulk, then I suggest going with the H1. :thumb:

    It's definitely a superior camera to the T33. Of course, if you want something compact that you can easily carry in your pocket, then you should go for the T33. :think:
  3. Bestia(ry)

    Bestia(ry) Mac'ster

    Thnx so far, I'll check out the Canon too. ^^

    Size? I don't care about. Can be big or small. ^^
    Purpose? Mostly for micro-shots, need good zoom and sharp image.

    @Chai: Don't mind, thnx anyway. ^^

    @Adrian: Thnx so far, I'll guess I'd have to do some more research. ^^

    Nikon D50 looks good too ...
  4. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Then your obvious choice between the 2 is H1. :mrgreen:

    If you are thinking about getting D50, you should really consider D70s, because it's not that much more expensive, but it boasts much better lens and camera body. But Macro shots will be an issue with D70s unless you get a macro lens separately. :mrgreen:
  5. Bestia(ry)

    Bestia(ry) Mac'ster

    Thnx to all of you! [​IMG]

    I'll try out H1, D70 and S2 IS, it's no prob to do so at my fav retailer.
    *errm* .. and of course I wanted to say macro-shots, not micro ... ^^
  6. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    LOL! No worries. We learn something new everyday! :thumb:
  7. Bestia(ry)

    Bestia(ry) Mac'ster

    So ... I went there and tried out all of them.
    After this I did some reconsidering with the conclusion .. I dun need such a cam.
    Tried out some more and ended up with, imo, still something good (and it perfectly fits my needs).

    Sony DSC-S90

    Some shots up till now (yeah, yeah, I'm just a beginner, you know? ^^) ... and their image-quality is not that bad I think.
    So I'm satisfied with this buy. [​IMG]



    1 person likes this.
  8. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Nice colors! :thumb: But you can post that in a new thread. :wicked:
  9. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Wow.. The colours are vivid! :thumb:
  10. Shogun

    Shogun Newbie

    Hmmm... so it comes down to low end SLR digicams...

    Can anybody clarify the pros and cons of the D70s and D50? Cos from dpreview it seems that the D50 overall is slightly better than D70s (tho i'm not sure whether they're referring to D70 or D70s). What's this thing bout problems with marco shots on the D70s? And should I also consider the Canon EOS 300D? Seeing that it is in a similar price range.
  11. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    300D is an outdated camera, replaced by 350D.

    There's nothing wrong with D70s macro ability. You need a proper lens for D70s if you want to shoot macro shots like the Nikkor 60mm Micro, or Tamron SP 90mm.
  12. vien

    vien Newbie

    PC fair is coming this 2-4 December and I'm planning to get a digicam below RM1000. I'm not going to print it out anyway so MegaPixels shouldn't be a factor to me. But I want one with 3X optical zoom and good enough to take clear colourful shots, fast load up, minimal battery consumption plus fast response time :mrgreen: Can you guys give me some suggestions?
  13. jasperchc

    jasperchc Newbie

    i'm 'considering' buying a camera and need some advice from you guys as i am pretty much a newbie in photography.

    1.What is the difference between a lower and higher mega pixel camera? higher means better image quality :confused:

    2.Read some online reviews on camara and they keep on stating that the image quality of this particular camera is 'Average' or that one is 'Good' Or the other one is 'High quality'. How do you diffrenciated those terms? how good is 'good'? how good is 'average' :confused:

    3. Saw a few cameras with lower pixel around 5mp but with better zoom 12x or so, while others offer higher mp but with only 4x zoom, so which one is better :confused:

    4. There are a few memory card for camera out there, i checked some sd card, and there seem to be a few model with different speed, 5mb, 10mb and 20mb speed. what are the advantages or disadvantages of each when using it to take photos? Do i need a fast card and how much capacity do i need? :confused:

    and i#m looking for something around £200-£300, any suggestion?
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2005
  14. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    1. Short answer, NO!
    2. That really depends...
    3. Neither is better than the other. It really depends on a lot of criteria. There's no such thing as a perfect camera, just like there's no such thing as the perfect car.
    4. That's the question you should ask yourself. What do you want, what do you need.

    Since you already have a budget, maybe you can let us know which model you have in mind.
  15. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Yeah, Chai is right. More megapixels don't mean better picture quality. It just creates a larger picture.

    A longer zoom would be more flexible, of course. But if you are worried about image quality, you need to check the quality of the lens as well. How to check? Snap some test photos and check the photos.

    Faster memory cards allow your camera to do burst shots at a faster rate. But that also depends on the camera's card controller and memory buffer. They also generally allow you to copy out pictures faster than slower cards. Slower cards are, of course, cheaper. :mrgreen:
  16. jasperchc

    jasperchc Newbie

    well, from reviews, usually high mp camera gets stamped with words like 'Good' or 'Execellect' image quality so for photography morrons like myself, its easy to get the wrong idea that higher mp = better image quality. :(

    So, here i make a list, which one do you guys think is better?

    Canon PowerShot A620/A610
    Canon PowerShot S2 IS
    Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
    Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H1
    Kodak EasyShare Z7590
    Konica Minolta Dimage Z5
    Casio Exilim Pro EX-P505
    Olympus C-770 Ultra Zoom
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2005
  17. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Wow...that's a good list of cameras...Canon S2 IS, Panasonic FZ20, DSC-H1, C-770 are all prefer good cameras.

    Since they are all high powered zoom cameras, no worries about not enough reach. What kind of pictures do you love taking normally? Night shots? Do you need image stabilising?
  18. jasperchc

    jasperchc Newbie

    i normally do not take photos :haha: cause i dont have a camera before. image stabilizer? probably yes. The digital camera technology had matured already right? and what's up with all the iso setting? what's it for?
  19. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    What are you planning to do with your camera then?

    Matured? In what sense?
  20. jasperchc

    jasperchc Newbie

    will probably use it mainly to take photos, like when going out on trips and stuff.

    err.. i also dunno, matured as in the camera i bought will not get outdated in like the next 1 or 2 years?

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