I thought Marauder was going to interview Falcone? Taib, pitchforks and torches -- definitely witch-hunt overtones. : pout : Didn't know I'd done anything to deserve that. We could always scrap the whole Spotlight thing. Just let's not remember all those having a good time asking questions.
Scrap? Why? I don't get what you mean! Honestly, at first, I was skeptical of the 'Spotlight', but I think this is funny! TORCHES PLEASE!
Dashing knight in shining Brasso'd armor comes to the rescue! Well, pitchforks and torches would symbolize and sense of revolution. Witches get the burnt at stake treatment. So don't feel like a witch. Frankenstein? C'mon Marauderz, choose Leian!
And ask what? And end up with a PG rating slapped on the forums? This one's easy enough, got slammed to the ground by a dog when I was oooo.. a very little boy. I managed to stop him from biting me but imagine as a little boy straing directly at a dog's mouth and teeth as it's on top of you barking and trying to rip your face out.. Yup... complete mental scaring, that's why I'm freaked out by dogs even now.
Ow, man. Sorry you went through that... I take it you have cats in the house then? Ask Leian the basic questions and leave the rest to us!
OK ok, I'm al for the democratic process. So I will interview Leian next. I *should* post the questions tonight, is she going for a Christmas break anytime soon?