Marauder: ARP's Resident Gadget guy

Discussion in 'Spotlight!' started by peaz, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Oi!.... bully ah? :evil:
  2. Leian

    Leian "Dai Sou"

    I thought Marauder was going to interview Falcone?

    Taib, pitchforks and torches -- definitely witch-hunt overtones. : pout : Didn't know I'd done anything to deserve that.

    :think: We could always scrap the whole Spotlight thing. Just let's not remember all those having a good time asking questions. :cool:
  3. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Scrap? Why? I don't get what you mean!

    Honestly, at first, I was skeptical of the 'Spotlight', but I think this is funny! :haha:

    TORCHES PLEASE! :twisted: :haha:
  4. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    Dashing knight in shining Brasso'd armor comes to the rescue! :haha:

    Well, pitchforks and torches would symbolize and sense of revolution. Witches get the burnt at stake treatment. So don't feel like a witch. :mrgreen: :lol: Frankenstein? :wicked:

    C'mon Marauderz, choose Leian! :wicked:
  5. Falcone

    Falcone Official Mascot Creator

    :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: It's my secret weapon.........
  6. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    What is the one childhood memory that stands out the most and why?
  7. marauderz

    marauderz Newbie

    And ask what? :p

    And end up with a PG rating slapped on the forums?

    This one's easy enough, got slammed to the ground by a dog when I was oooo.. a very little boy. I managed to stop him from biting me but imagine as a little boy straing directly at a dog's mouth and teeth as it's on top of you barking and trying to rip your face out.. Yup... complete mental scaring, that's why I'm freaked out by dogs even now.
  8. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    LOL! :thumb: the juicier the better man! :haha:
  9. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    Ow, man. Sorry you went through that... I take it you have cats in the house then? :p

    Ask Leian the basic questions and leave the rest to us! :twisted:
  10. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    Yea! :thumb:

    And don't take too long. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  11. marauderz

    marauderz Newbie

    OK ok, I'm al for the democratic process. So I will interview Leian next. I *should* post the questions tonight, is she going for a Christmas break anytime soon? :p
  12. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hehe.. Send her the questions as soon as you can. ;)

    Focus on the juicy questions, if you can. :wicked:
  13. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    ALRIGHT! :thumb: I bet she'll be around.. No running now! :lol:
  14. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Send the questions to her directly! Use the main template on the main forum if needed! :D
  15. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    ROTFL! :haha:

    Oi, you need help or not ...on the juicy questions? :beer:
  16. marauderz

    marauderz Newbie

    Well you guys can come up with the follow up juicy questions right?
  17. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    22 on my list now! Hurry up, pleeeeaaaasssseee?! :beer:
  18. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    muahahahahaha....i shall sharpen my knife....... :twisted:
  19. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    OMG... The lions are circling the wounded antelope.. :haha:
  20. marauderz

    marauderz Newbie

    But I haven't even shot the antelope yet!

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