On February 14 (yes, on Valentine's Day!), Max_87 and his cousin flew off to Adelaide in Aussieland to further their studies. He couldn't have picked a "better" time... LOL!!! The rest of the team were busy romancing the fairer sex, so only lonely boys - fapDaddy and I - went to KLIA to send them off. The four of us (sob! sob!) had to settle for a Valentine's Day meal at McDonald's in KLIA! Here are some pictures of us at KLIA. 1. fapDaddy, Max_87 and his cousin 2. fapDaddy, Max_87 and me 3. The four of us at the entry gate
Lol, you looked almost like Bill Gates when he's young! OOoh we hope Max_87 has a good time there in Australia!
Surprisingly, there were many people waiting for their flights at KLIA on V day. I found it odd. I would have expected fewer travelers that day, but it was so crowded.
Sigh, too bad cannot get off that week T_T...Max looks emotionless, clone ar btw hope Max gets his internet A.S.A.P >_<
for the first time in many years, i get to see his face clearly. all the best dude! have lots n lots of fun!
Awww.... wished Max is in Perth. Oh well, at least SA is next door to WA. heheh... Have fun down under!
Max just messaged me two days ago. I think he's still without personal Internet access (too expensive???) and is currently using the campus' lab connection.