it's been stable so far oc-ing my x2 just fine. worth noting my ram is running @stock speed (2-2-2-5) I do not know how good it is in handling high mem speed.
Papercut Got my Opty AMD144 yesterday and finally got a chance to take a look at what they sent me. It's the same as your 144 CACJE 0605BPBW. Hope it O/C's as good. Which MB should I get? I'm thinking of a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-DR Expert.
If you have decent RAM and a decent PSU, then definitely go for a DFI. Very few other boards can match its overclocking ability, features, BIOS, etc You really need something that can hit high HTT for a good 144. Best of luck and let us know how it goes
I've read so many article about who has the best PS,Case,Ram,MB etc and there are so many variables it's after awhile your head spins. Opinions can be a varied and as contraversal as "which brand of oil should I use in my car". I am leaning towards this case and ps: Ultra Blue Alum ATX Mid-Tower with a Ultra XFinity PS 500w Memory: Corsair XMS 2GB PC3200 DDR DIMM Hard Drive is still open for selection
Is the PSU bundled with the case? I'd go for better ones. Enermax and Fotron have some decently priced good performning PSUs...
Yeah, Ultra is kind of an "iffy" brand. Some say it's good, others say it's a cheap China factory product. (more opinions to make your head spin!! ) And I would advise against Corsair, try and get hold of another brand's equivalent for whichever type you were looking at. DFI and Corsair do not play very nicely together...take my word for it
Yes it does come bundled. I do agree with you on Enermax and Fortron. I'll have to find the article on the review on this unit. See what ya think.
I do tend to keep my pc's for awhile. Ex: Still using my Dell XPS PIII T500(1.4Celeron Power Leap) I did buy a Dell XPS Gen 1 3.4Gz laptop about a year ago. Big mistake because of the Prescott processor. The Prescott runs hot most of the time so it's always being throttled back big time Will probably take that one to the grave with me....... So I decided to make my next desktop interesting I'd build my own. It dosen't look like AMD2 will be all it's cracked up to be using DDR2. Intel's new Conroe looks better so far but I've never owned an AMD CPU based pc and figured it's time. Anything I upgrade from my Dell old desktop will give me wiplash anyway......
Well yes, but -> TCCD doesn't come in 2GB kits anyway...