Our cute angel, angel1011!

Discussion in 'Spotlight!' started by Jet, Apr 16, 2005.

  1. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    LoL! I was forced to study Mandarin until Form5 :lol:

    How about you angel1011? You still study Mandarin when you was in secondary school?
  2. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    i love mandarin...did not take during secondary coz nobody fetch me to language class during weekends...regret it so much!!! :wall:
    DYKT: i'm pretty good in mandarin??:p i think it's a beautiful language... :mrgreen: especially the e-novels!!! so many i like!! :dance:
  3. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    That's why your siggy is in Mandarin ;) :mrgreen:

    oh ya, another question:

    Do you have any decision you've made/anything that you regret most in your life? :mrgreen:
  4. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    yes...a few...some gives big impacts and some don't. you can't look back. just learn the lesson and move on...i guess... :? but i always do the contrary...i always look back...:p maybe just waiting the time when i'll finally let go....
  5. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    where do you see yourself in 20 years time in the future? :D
  6. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    ...or waiting for the deserving 'one' to appear before letting go? :p :whistle:
  7. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    erm...maybe at home, fretting over to let my kids go to college or university?? :haha: seriously, ermm....financial independent, has travelled overseas and still looking svelte... :twisted: :dance:

    i really dunno....it's a matter of time... :| love is like butterflies, you can't catch it with ur hands, it will stop by when you least expected.....some quote from some love experts.... :) so just wait lor....since i also have more important things to tackle now....
  8. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    good answer. i like the alst part. good for ur future husband :thumb: :mrgreen: "dress different, ur husband wont go to other girls"
  9. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    :haha: Bro, any tips for angel on how to "dress differently"? :wicked: (* :drool: *)

    1011, have you ever desire to dress differently according to your taste...u know, not the typical t + jeans type. How would you want it if given the opportunity? :p
  10. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    whet? u wana pay for it?? :twisted: :haha:

    hmm....i have many taste....just that the taste does not suit me sometimes....for instance, i can't wear something looking very mature coz i looked terribly odd in it...plus i'm more comfortable in jeans, shorts and t-shirts :think:

    depends on where and what occasion also... :whistle: u wan me to wear a LBD for BBQ?? :nuts:
  11. ESP

    ESP Newbie

    What's LBD?
  12. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    little black dress. :haha:
  13. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    you should try using kebaya. maybe look nice on you. :drool: :thumb:
  14. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    LBS should pay then. I don't like black... :mrgreen: :whistle:
  15. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Less is better. :wicked:
  16. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    buaya question:

    u like tight clothing or very loose one? :twisted: :drool: :wicked:
  17. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    tried before. shocked my frens.... :haha: :wicked: but the kebaya i have now sucks big time coz the cloth just aint right....stupid baju blok... :wall:
    what's LBS? :confused:
    :wicked: :wicked: :wicked: less is not more if u dressed like a slut....just reveal a bit and leave the rest to imagination.... :whistle:
    tight where it's suppose to be, and loose where it's supposed to be... :wicked: :p
    but most of my clothes are loose now coz i'm fat last time....i need to go shopping *big hint* :wicked: :haha:
  18. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    best answer ever! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :haha: i loving this :haha:
  19. digitalvoice

    digitalvoice Newbie

    LBS = Little BlackSheep! :haha:

    :drool: :drool: :drool:
  20. angel1011

    angel1011 Baby-DeeNoo

    muahahaha!!!!......... :haha: u think he's got enough wool to make me a LBD??? :wicked: :twisted: :haha: *shaving alert*

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