Yes it is... I actually did it that way.... AAY used the adhesive and he had trouble getting it off. Anyways, the stock bracket works as well.
I asked because I was afraid of that... I often change my hardware and wouldn't like to have problems to detach the backplate from the board Thanks for the info. Then, I'll give it a try when it arrives, but first I'll have to see if there is enough room for it inside my case (Thermaltake Damier V5000D). I'll try to report here any other problem I might have. Thanks a lot for your kind help
Do please post your thoughts and experience of it once you get it.. Do take care when you handle your case when it is mounted on though...
Well, I'm afraid it won't be possible to fit into my Damier V5000D unless I remove the side panel that has two fans. Besides of this I think there would be no other problem with the height of the heatsink if that side panel is removed, but maybe it makes a tight fit...
I had that problem when I installed it on my Coolermaster Praetorian case. I couldnt close the side panels at all when the heatsink was installed. The studs at the end of the heatpipe would prevent the side panel from being attached.
Why are they making these heatsinks so tall, that they won't fit into what I would have thought were quite decent sized cases? It seems as though they could be losing a few buyers, just because they can't put their case sides on. It doesn't make much sense to me.
Performance is king...that's why everyone makes big tower heatsinks now. Although if you have a case with a 120mm rear exhaust, then it should be able to accomodate heatsinks like the Ninja.
In the end, I've installed a Blue Orb 2 that I had lying by here... Even I found some problems with the backplate, I've finally solved them using a Zalman backplate from a CNPS-7000B. For the moment I'll forget the Ninja, but if I have the chance to build my computer in a different PC case I'll give it then a try. Thanks all for your help.