Should i get new PC?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jet, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member

  2. Helen Marr

    Helen Marr Newbie

    I think your PC already served you well for that period of time. If my PC still stands at its 3rd year, I'd be very happy! Go for a replacement.
  3. ClickSet

    ClickSet Newbie

    It depends on your purpose. Personally, the laptop is enough unless it is a necessity for you to buy a new desktop for an important task.
  4. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member

    I would think that he probably has got a new PC by now.

    Because this thread is six years old now.:haha:
  5. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Or probably 2. :haha:
  6. atwl77

    atwl77 Just Started

    This happens on pretty much every forum... I wonder why forum software haven't found a way to handle the issue yet. Like maybe a simple popup, "This thread is X years old. Are you sure you want to necro the discussion? (Yes) (No)"
  7. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    I guess there's such should a mod available, or just simply auto close thread that is older than X.
  8. Helen Marr

    Helen Marr Newbie

    Actually, the advantage of having a desktop is that it can be fixed. Just know the basic trouble shooting and you can fix it. Also, it is upgradable and everything inside the unit system is replaceable.
    Trinity likes this.

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