I believe its Siddiq that has to do the choosing. Just choose someone Siddiq and get the show on the road, no more questions.
oh shyt .. you sure you want me ? i might not interview the next person then you have to interview .. thast my wicked plan
Thats it i'm sick of waiting i'm gonna step in a delegate someone to do it, and the lucky person to interview the next person is Psy Let me just say i am very dissapointed in the outcome, if there is a task for you it is your responsibility to do it no matter how small the task you should keep in mind that it is still your responsibility. Ok thats it lets get this started, Psy choose your victim pls Reiterating once again that i am very dissapointed, this place is for you all to get to know our forum members better, i'm not gonna be pointing fingers but this is a team effort and i want to see better participation here, from all of you next time. I rest my case p/s: Leian i hope you dont mind me delegating another person to interview someone else
Next Subject is our dear hyper_raider. He shall hence carry forth the burden of interviewing to the next person diligently and will serve as an example to all. The devil has spoken...