Tech ARP April ’08 Motherboard Giveaway Contest

Discussion in 'Contests!' started by Dashken, Apr 10, 2008.

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  1. genese

    genese Newbie

    Of cause everybody hopes themselves become the winner but
    sometime it depends of luck also.
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    That's true. Although being active helps a lot too. :mrgreen:
  3. miahman

    miahman Newbie

    yes and thats much more than luck.:pray:

    its statistics and probability:rolleyes:
  4. genese

    genese Newbie

    Yes,boths of you are right.Hope that every members will have a good Labour Day's holiday.See your guys soon.
  5. miahman

    miahman Newbie

    by 'labour's day holiday', are you referring to 'may day' (bank holiday)?????
  6. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Yup, it's the same thing actually. :beer:
  7. genese

    genese Newbie

    Welcome back everybody!!!
  8. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Tech ARP April ’08 Motherboard Giveaway Contest Extended

    Team ARP is proud to announce that we will be sponsoring an additional motherboard - the ABIT AW9D! This is a full-fledged Intel 975X chipset with dual PCI Express X16 slots and many, many other great features.

    This is our way of saying thanks for being part of the Tech ARP community and helping us make it to where we are right now.

    The rules are the same. The contest will have to be extended to June 14, of course. But everyone participating from Day 1 would be eligible to win this great motherboard. If you have not joined the forums yet, this is the time to do it!


    Link : Tech ARP April ’08 Motherboard Giveaway Contest Extended
  9. Zenphic

    Zenphic Newbie

    ABIT AW9D? Now that's hot :D
  10. Prashiyer

    Prashiyer Newbie


    Well its good to know the contest time has been extended. :wave:
  11. Digerati

    Digerati Newbie

    The more the merrier! Thanks guys.
  12. Cyberwarrior

    Cyberwarrior BOG Translator

    I'm excited but,I have never won anything in my life.

    CALLOFDUTY05 Newbie

    Love to win the Wi-Fi mobo.Never won anything also.My luck sucks at random contests. ;)
  14. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Well, random selection is the fairest way, I'm sure you will agree. If we give it to the most active forumer, well, I might just win a few of them myself... :twisted: :haha: :haha:

    Our system of random selection will give everyone a fair chance. Of course, the more active you are.. or the more people you introduce to the community, the higher your chances.

    CALLOFDUTY05 Newbie

    Yeah Adrian i agree that the random selection method is the most fairest way to choose a winner.You use the random generator by or manually putting the names under a hat & then draw one as a winner ?

    Also tried to draw some new members but when they knew that they will have to post actively in the forum to win,they didn't register.I think, people are becoming lazy.They want to get everything without doing anything. :lol:
  16. genese

    genese Newbie

    If you all can post more affordable,sure will get more chances
    to win the prizes.
  17. miahman

    miahman Newbie

    this is probably the fairest possible. an entry to a random draw for every post. this is cool and works

    rock on ARP (now i'm curious how would i say this in malaysian)

    ps how do i say 'frog' in malaysian. (so i can call my malaysian friend that XD)
  18. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    It's not so simple. We have to trawl the database for valid entries, remove the judges ( :mad: :mad: ), spam posts, etc... and then run them through our own random number generator. No way we can put all the entries into a hat and draw. :mrgreen:
  19. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ARP is actually short for Adrian's Rojak Pot, our previous name. We rebranded from Adrian's Rojak Pot to Tech ARP, so it's easier for everyone to remember us! :haha: :haha:

    Okay, well, you can call him "katak". That's frog in Malay. ;)
  20. miahman

    miahman Newbie

    thanks and its a girl lol
    (she got me into bleach and now i'm a hyper anime fan) [not otaku since i do leave my house and have a social life XD]
    katak i'll remember that
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