Tech ARP - Edifier New Year 2008 Giveaway Contest

Discussion in 'Contests!' started by Dashken, Dec 26, 2007.

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  1. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Pinging Marc... He better not be using them... :haha:
  2. bslee

    bslee Newbie

    Doc Adrian, maybe you should have organized a gathering and prize
  3. Zenphic

    Zenphic Newbie

    Who's going to pay for the plane tickets? :faint:
  4. marc

    marc Team Tech ARP

    Sorry for the delay, though. I was actually away for the whole of last week. And before that was not a good time as many other winners were not around from my correspondence with them.

    I will be sending the prizes out shortly. :thumb:

    I don't want to go to hell. :faint: :faint: :mrgreen:
  5. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hehe.. That would be tough. The winners are from all over the country.. and even overseas. :D
  6. pyroboy1911

    pyroboy1911 Newbie

    So i guess Max_87 will be receiving on my behalf? same address anyway :p
  7. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    You are already in Aussieland, right?
  8. Prashiyer

    Prashiyer Newbie

    I bet we do not get this thing here in Delhi.
  9. pyroboy1911

    pyroboy1911 Newbie

    yeap :lol: :lol:
  10. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Well, give your Aussieland address to Marc. We will try to send it to you direct. :thumb:
  11. pyroboy1911

    pyroboy1911 Newbie

    haha, ok then. but i wont mind if u send it to the original address, because Max is there, and he will join me in a few months time too :thumb:
  12. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    No worries. It may cost more, but it's okay. :thumb:
  13. marc

    marc Team Tech ARP

    Pyroboy, please pass me your Aussie address ASAP. :mrgreen:
  14. SkylineRemix

    SkylineRemix Newbie

    received the earphones today. Thanks TechARP!!
  15. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    No problem! Hope you like it! :thumb:
  16. bslee

    bslee Newbie

    I received mine this afternoon too.
    Thank you Doc Adrian and TechArp team, especially Marcus with best effort to post them out with excellent packaging.
    Thank You. :hug:
    Am listening to Art Garfunkel's 1st solo album from laptop now..Lovely!. :thumb:
    (actually it sounds better on my desktop PC with the Audigy2ZS card..who sayz SB louzy?..its God-sent!)
  17. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    LOL!! Glad you liked it. More to come! :beer:
  18. pyroboy1911

    pyroboy1911 Newbie

    it takes longer time to reach Australia. Dum de dum....
  19. Prashiyer

    Prashiyer Newbie

    IS this contest on

    Is this contest still on or what?
  20. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    Um, it's called "New Year 2008 Giveway"... so that would suggest that it's over... read the rules on the first pg and you would read that this contest ended a while ago...
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