She's a model.. a pretty young thing, married off to a Kelantan prince. Probably thought she would be the next Princess Diana, not knowing that this prince is really a wolf in sheep's clothing. Apparently this prince has a fetish for cutting her nipples with a blade...
Goodness me... why did the prince do such harsh and painful stuff? Can't they afraid the family's reputation tarnished?
I dunno, at this point it's only her side of the story. I'll give the prince the benefit of doubt until proven otherwise. She is young and naive, maybe she got bored and wanted to get out, could be targeting his money as well.
That's true although I think she's rich enough on her own. Plus, if she wants out, let her out. The Prince should be "man" enough to let her go. Why do you want a wife who obviously doesn't love you?
However, for an opposite view of the whole affair (well, a debunking article really), here's Art Harun's take :
Because his values are different from yours/ours. Some parents kill their children because they have 'shamed' their family by not marrying their pre-arranged/chosen partner. In this I could probably use the 'name of the throne' as a possible reason for 'shame'
Ahh.. That could be true. But frankly speaking, if I'm the King, I would have castrated him myself if he really abused her the way she claimed.
Indeed. It appears that the story isn't as clear-cut as it appeared to be... * Note : This was taken from The Star, which we all know, is quite liable to twisting facts to suit the powers that be.
Indeed. It looks more complicated than it appeared initially. However, whatever her mother did or did not do, the crux of the matter is still the sexual abuse she claimed her husband afflicted on her. She should have her body examined ASAP.