Can't make it earlier, guys? I would love to go, but only if its in July, although August would be a tight squeeze... >.<
Kong nia, ka ki leh? Well, Ishtim, the venue will be the same as last year. So unless Boss has gotten a stronger AP / is hanging his AP down a cable from his balcony / someone brings a video cam and then uploads, no so likely. YES! Do it! Ah, okay! Is it the one we met at Starbucks (alamak.. cannot remember his name.. ) Leng lui, last year, you got off the hook because you new ok? This year . Fast fast see what is on the list and vote what you want to bring! Got lots of things mah! Bring lah otak otak! Famous from down south, right?
Hi finally another gathering... i not sure i able to see you all or not coz not sure about company schedule for work yet... if i come i will bring some wine
You're a married man already ah! (And even if not married.... and then there's her boyfriend...) Hey everyone! Who else is going to be there! There's still stuff not taken up yet: Squid, prawns, potatoes...? Fried noodles / rice, sandwiches, nuggets.... "Low" salad??!?!?!?!?!??!?! Fresh fruits, ice cubes.. Charcoal + firestarter, Netting for BBQ grill, cooler / dispenser for drinks Cast your 'vote' and choose what you wanna bring!
Can we "low" something else? Just wondering... for the past few years... after "low", were the salad all finished up? Or thrown away?