The BIOS Optimization Guide Book Cover

Discussion in 'BIOS Optimization Guide (BOG)' started by Adrian Wong, May 5, 2004.

  1. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now logo oredi......hehheehhe.... :thumb: :thumb: autograph signing later ah adrian??
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ROTFL!! The book isn't even out yet! :haha:
  3. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    I pre-order one with Adrian's signature :thumb: :lol:
  4. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now ARP member get free ah?? :p
  5. TungstenBoy

    TungstenBoy Newbie

    :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: dat arp can close shop so many active arp members!!!!!!! :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
    heiiiiiiii............back 2 topic plzzzz!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
    comment about the cover............
    1. why no ARP logo????? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
    2. the name a bit ordinary.............not enuf oomph!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    3.. is dis onli softcover like paperback book??????.............or hardcover??????.................i feel hardcover better..........big a bit nvr mind.......... :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  6. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    Em... back of the cover should be some explaination of BIOS... i believe some people dun really understand what it mean....
    Other than that, of course the rojakpot web site URL...... :thumb:
  7. TungstenBoy

    TungstenBoy Newbie

    my fren here says dat the side of the cover...........the white part with black letters.......... too plain......dun match the cover..............
    he also say dat if add the logo..........the color sure have to change coz they dun match............. :think: :think: :think: :think:
  8. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Hopefully got. Coz I HATE books that don't have, but only have a picture behind. Stupid books... somemore it's sealed. How to buy if cannot read? :doh:
  9. TungstenBoy

    TungstenBoy Newbie

    :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: ..........if can read from the back........who wan 2 buy????? :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
    dunno dis book will be thick or not..........the bog alreadi got so many pages........... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
  10. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Aiyo... I mean got summary about the book la. Like when you want to buy storybook, of course must know what's the book about la, if not how to buy? :roll: :doh: :wall:
  11. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hello guys,

    The book will only have a soft cover.

    No idea yet on the back cover. That will come a little later. :mrgreen:

    I think they will be tweaking the front cover a little. Will post it here once I have it. :mrgreen:
  12. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    :) me two. i pre-order the book with adrian signature. if can a lipstick kissjust kidding 8) but i seriously odering the book. any ideas how much it cost?
  13. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ROTFL!! :mrgreen:

    Well, the book will have a listed price of USD 29.90. But I'm sure it will cost much less than that. It's already listed in for only USD 20. :mrgreen:
  14. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    20x4. below rm80. ok ill buy one. how many pages? sorry for many questions :angel:
  15. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Autographed version, add another US$5! :haha:
  16. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    who wants my sig?
    I GIVE FREE COPY :mrgreen:
  17. siddiq

    siddiq Newbie

    ME! haha. really $5 for signature? i thought it was free :think:
  18. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    USD20? :lol:
    I'm broke! :lol:
  19. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    I think Zue can photostat for you and add his own signature and sell them for RM50. :mrgreen: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  20. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ROTFL! Will you guys please get back to topic? :roll: :mrgreen:

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