The Complete GeCube/GigaCube Radeon 9600 Pro/XT Volt Mod Gui

Discussion in 'Reviews & Articles' started by Dashken, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    The Complete GeCube / GigaCube Radeon 9600 Pro/XT Voltage Modding Guide Posted!

    When you hit a snag overclocking your GeCube or GigaCube Radeon 9600 Pro/XT’s GPU and memory chips, what do you do? Better cooling will help but have you also considered volt modding the Radeon 9600 Pro/XT?

    Join Max_87 today as he goes through the different voltage modding methods for the graphics cards based on the GeCube / GigaCube Radeon 9600 Pro/XT design!


    Link : The Complete GeCube / GigaCube Radeon 9600 Pro/XT Voltage Modding Guide!
  2. arrgh5

    arrgh5 Newbie

    Thx to Max_87 for another excellent guide. Very detailed and informative.

    Max_87, will your next guide cover the new Radeon X800 Pro/XT series ?
  3. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ROTFL! He will.. Just as soon as he gets his hands on the X800 Pro! :haha:

    Any sponsors? :wicked:
  4. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    Da Boss? :lol:

    Just get me some clear pictures and i will see what i can do ;)
  5. johnny

    johnny Newbie

    Hi Max_87, is the stock cooler that comes with the Gecube 9600xt extreme good enough if I permorm this volt mod?
  6. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    Not good enough ;) You will need to upgrade the cooler :mrgreen: ZM80C-HP should handle it well :mrgreen:
  7. eva2000

    eva2000 Newbie

    Hi Max_87 i have a few questions regarding pencil mod method. I have a Gigacube 9600Pro with VGA Silencer + Vantec copper ramsinks and it does stock volts 486mhz core and 364mhz mem. I measured using multimeter and

    GPU = 1.218v seems low but measured it from all 3 illustrated GPU voltage check points in your article's pics
    MEM = 2.782v

    Now I'm a bit confused as to exactly where the pencil line travels in these pics. Am i meant to pencil all the way from the end of the silver line tip at one end and onto the black chip surface and then all the way to the other end of the silver line's end of tip. I am meant to pencil on top of the black chip's surface right ?

    I'm familiar with the X800Pro's GPU pencil mod and you can measure the resistance prior to perfoming the pencil mod, so how would i measure the resistance on Gigacube 9600Pro prior to performing the mod ?


    Attached Files:

  8. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    er...actually you don't need to pencil all the way to the end of the pin :p you just need to make sure you connect the both pins with the graphite :mrgreen:
  9. eva2000

    eva2000 Newbie

    thanks for clarifying that... i just benched my card again at stock volts and max core is 468mhz now with 1.218v, so somehow i lost 18mhz off the core from before maybe my GPU voltage wasn't always 1.218v ?
  10. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    It won't always be 1.218v ;) It shouldn't affect the overclock anyway :roll: except it flunctuates a lot that is :p
  11. MyC sPiTTa

    MyC sPiTTa Newbie


    I want to measure the voltage of my card, not for OCing but coz, like hundreds of others of 9600 owners, I'm having problems with it freezing in games

    As far as I know my card is a GeCube Radeon 9600 Pro EZ 256Mb. I'm not sure if the PCB is based on the reference, but I doubt it as I have only recently bought it - aren't reference cards usually the first out? The link on this guide for people WITH reference cards actually points to the 9800 Pro guide so I can't see an example of the GeCube ATI reference board to compare.
    Anyway, mine doesn't look much like the board shown in the guide. I was wondering if anyone could spot the voltage probe points on my card for me.
    The voltage regulator chip on my card (circled in yellow) is on the top of the card rather than the bottom as shown in the guide.

    Some of the information printed on the card includes:
    PN 109-A198-00
    R9600/PRO/XT REV 1.3A


    Attached Files:

  12. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    This PCB is totally different from what you can see in this guide :mrgreen:

    Anyway, you computer's freezing problem is not cause by that ;) . Try Prime95 and memtest on your system :mrgreen:
  13. MyC sPiTTa

    MyC sPiTTa Newbie

    Yeah I realise that. Funny though because it is a GeCube R9600Pro. They must have decided to use a differnent PCB for the EZ version (as well as making the memory slower). I didn't realise it was an EZ when I bought it :oops:

    I ran memtest overnight - zero errors. There is no shortage of problems with the R9600 - check out - over 2000 posts on my problem (though the site seems to be down right now...)

    Anyway, that's another topic. Thanks anyway; the voltage was just one idea I was gonna explore. I've got a whole list that's gonna keep me busy for the next fortnight.
  14. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    They can't use the same PCB because the memory modules are TSOP, and not BGA like the real Pro/XT.
  15. Hunter

    Hunter Newbie

    I make the pencil vmod on my Gecube 9600Xt extreme. The gpu goes 100Mhz higher , but the memory 60Mhz lower. Why it is?
  16. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hunter, did you check what voltages you are running at now? :think:
  17. Hunter

    Hunter Newbie

    No, why? I think, that it can't be too high. I will check it next time.
  18. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    That happens on certain cards as well :mrgreen: What kind of cooler are you using on your 9600XT? Why don't you try to increase the memory voltage? :p See if it solves the problem.

    Remember, as you increase the GPU voltage, not only the GPU is heating up, the other components such as those capacitors, etc. are heating up also :mrgreen: That may affect the overclock on the memory too :p

    In some cases, raising the vref/vddq voltage may solve the problem. However vref/vddq kills the card real fast. So, i usually don't recommend doing that mod on your graphics card :mrgreen:
  19. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    ROTFL! Please, FOLLOW the guide! :mrgreen:

    Otherwise, you may kill your card! :roll:

    We specifically asked you to check the voltage after each time you draw the lines. If you do not, you may overvolt and kill your GPU or memory chips. :doh:
  20. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    You didn't check the voltages? :shock: Oh my! :lol: I thought you did :doh:

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