Hey guys, I have a Gecube 9550XT which is built on the Gecube Rev.2 PCB board. After reading your guide I decided to attempt the mod. I was able to get my core voltage up to 1.45 which enabled me to get a clock speed of 540. I am happy with that result. But I counldn't do the memory vmod because I seem to have different 'chip' than the card you showed. If you could please tell me where to measure the voltage and where to draw the pencil line I would be very happy! Heres a pic of the board: Cheers Sutcliffe
Sutcliffe, Max_87 is currently having loads of fun in Egypt. He will help you with your problem when he gets back.
He's joining us for a Christmas party on the 23rd (coverage in ARP after that!) so I guess he should be back home by the 24th.
im happy to tell you that the card is still running smoothly with my vref and vcore oc and not once exeeded 32 degrees, i still get 38000 aquamarks and 1700 in 2005. i will however, let u know when it does blow up