The return of 2011 TechARP BBQ!

Discussion in 'Community Projects' started by Chai, May 17, 2011.

  1. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Whew! Wading pool.

    But,damn, if we are to play the 'punishing' game, one of us is going to get wet too. You know the parties, some unlucky victims get to be pushed down into the pool. :haha:
  2. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    I'll be sweating like monkey... :faint:
  3. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Wanna cool you down? There's the pool though... :twisted:
  4. karhoe

    karhoe Newbie

    Hope it doesn't rain !!! lol
  5. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    It's freaking hot these days... been freaking hot for months now. But yeah, you never know when it's gonna rain.. :think:
  6. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    So who's coming?
  7. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Me! :wave: Will buy ticket this weekend! Yeehaa!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
  8. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Updated the first post!
  9. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Count me in, folks. :)
  10. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    By the way, where's TBC? :)
  11. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunately, strawroot can't make it. :p More updates on the front page. I hear Jeremy is coming as well.
  12. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Yeah... he said he's bringing 16-year tani... whatever that is. :mrgreen:
  13. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    SkylineRemix is coming... and so is Falcone. :thumb:

    wardancer was supposed to come, but has a last minute engagement. So we will have to rely on Falcone again to start the fire! :twisted:
  14. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Confirmed already right? I come liao ha... :mrgreen:
  15. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    If you don't come, I will go up to Penang to smack you down.
  16. karhoe

    karhoe Newbie

    please add karhoe + brother :)
  17. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    arg wish I could join! dasky coming?

    ken: we need to do one in little reddot too! :p
  18. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    I'm coming liao!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
  19. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    I'm coming to fetch you now! :)
  20. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Charging my batteries...

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