The Tech ARP 2008 Graphics Card Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests!' started by Dashken, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member

    It's here!!!

    Woohoooo!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: :drool:

    It got here!:pray: :pray: :pray: :o :D :D :D

    Box was in quite bad shape. It is a very good thing you packed the card verticaly, Because the right side of the box was bent almost in half!:shock: 'Just' missing the socket pins.:faint:

    This card is a BEAST! It weighs a ton!!!:haha: :haha: :haha:

    I gonna need a new psu for sure, trinity only has a 500 watt with only one six pin pci connector in her now.:doh: Thinking on getting a silverstone 650-750 watt modular psu. That ok? Who makes the best quality psu's these days?:think:

    Thanks again to TechARP and all the sponsers that made this great contest possible!!!:wave: :arp: 1

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  2. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Wow! Cool stuff!
  3. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    OMG... It was so badly dented????? :shock: :shock:

    Please test the card soon. I hope it's working!!! :pray: :pray:

    Don't worry about the PSU. I'm using a 550W PSU and even it's more than enough to supply the GTX 295 (with two 8-pin power connectors). Just get a Molex to 8-pin power converter and you are ready to go! :beer:
  4. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Lacus came by today to collect his t-shirts. Unfortunately, I was not in much of a talking mood. Had an incredibly bad toothache (again!!!!). So bad I couldn't actually think! :wall: :wall:

    Thanks for dropping by, Lacus!! And I hope the t-shirt fits your brother! :wave: :wave:
  5. Papercut

    Papercut Newbie

    Oh hai I just realised I won a t-shirt :shifty:
  6. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member

    "Just get a Molex to 8-pin power converter and you are ready to go!"

    Ok will give that a try first.:) Never had an ati card before.:shifty: Should I uninstall everything nvidia before putting the 2900xt in my pc? Or just plug and play...?
  7. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    You are not the only one! :mrgreen:
  8. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    It's best to uninstall your NVIDIA graphics driver first before swapping to the ATI card. Don't forget to download the latest ATI Catalyst driver first! :thumb:
  9. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Haha, everyone enjoys the presents! It's good! :D

    Guess that I've to invite and get more people to join TechARP! :thumb:
  10. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    Sorry to bother you >_<..not to mention, i was sick too lol..had to go collect it to prevent it from going missing i guess :haha: ooh, the shirt fits and he likes it very much xD...
  11. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Well,.. is he joining TechARP? muahahah :haha:
  12. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    LOL!! The_YongGrand = Tech ARP evangelist!!! :twisted:
  13. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Well, kinda liked that place! :twisted: Dunno why, the first thing I got up in the morning, turn on computer, and this is the first site I ever visited!

    Besides that, it's a cool and casual community forum! :beer:
  14. lee_what2004

    lee_what2004 Just Started

    its called techarp addiction :mrgreen:
  15. DarKSeeD

    DarKSeeD BOG Translator

    Well, let's hope it will not disappear like other sites I was a regular :) Anyway, long live ARP, the beer in me is talking...or not? :)
  16. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    It will never disappear :3...Thats for sure :D...We be coming back up with more reviews? XD..
  17. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    In that case, have more beer on me!!! :beer: :mrgreen:
  18. ChampionLLY

    ChampionLLY News Writer

    i just received my prize, ahahahhahaha, thank you soooooo much!! :beer:

    the t-shirts are sure great shock absorbers :lol:

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  19. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Glad you got them already!! :thumb:
  20. miahman

    miahman Newbie

    got my t-shirt a while back. srry for not posting earlier.

    will wear it in summer XD i will take it to college with all the smileys lmao. (maybe not.... lol)
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