The Tech ARP 2011 New Year Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests!' started by Adrian Wong, Jan 3, 2011.

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  1. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    My pleasure! :thumb:
  2. JTech

    JTech Newbie

    Cool, thanks for the update!
  3. ET3D

    ET3D Newbie

    Thanks for the update. I'll be looking forward to the prizes.
  4. k44k

    k44k Newbie

    Hi Adrian

    Just letting you know i just received my t-shirt & mystery prize.

    Thanks again.
  5. belikethat

    belikethat Just Started

    hmm which courier did u use. do you still have the tracking num?
    haven`t got mine :(
  6. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Oh, your prize is actually still with me. I will be dropping by one of these days to pass you your prize. :beer:

    So is karhoe's prize. He will be dropping by my place to pick his prize up one of these days.
  7. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    I should dropby sometime too... I do remember getting the shirt lost during last shipment of prizes :haha:
  8. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Did you get your prize yet?? I think we added an extra t-shirt or two. I can't remember... :think:
  9. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    You meant you sent out the current prizes to me already? so far, no parcel or package at all :wall: Post Laju services here sucks so badly. My month HWM gets stuff inside the mini mail box (bend into half)
  10. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Oops.. Looks like there was some miscommunication. It looks like we didn't send you the prizes because you never sent us your address! :D
  11. jay cee

    jay cee Newbie

    Just wanted to Thank Adrian once again as I recieved my lovely Techarp t-shirt an other mystery gifts...

    I hope all is well on that side of the globe.

    please take care

  12. zy

    zy Staff Member

    Where's my package? :mad:

    It's at the post office :mrgreen:

    Got to collect it tomorrow :thumb:
  13. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member

    If yours is there, then mine should be 'close'. :lol:
  14. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Ah, good! They are already arriving over the other side of the planet! :thumb:
    1 person likes this.
  15. zy

    zy Staff Member

  16. JTech

    JTech Newbie

    Mine just arrived a few minutes ago. I'll take a pic.
  17. ET3D

    ET3D Newbie

    Don't have mine yet. I hope it's not being subjected to extensive security checks or something.
  18. belikethat

    belikethat Just Started

    hey i got mine the other day. i really LOL at the mystery prize! good one. thanks arp!
  19. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    gotten mine too.. with karhoe.. i guess karhoe was tired XD...( he doze off when we were chatting XD)
  20. karhoe

    karhoe Newbie

    LOL, I was just trying to have a quick nap, hahahaha
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