The Tech ARP Graphics Card Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests!' started by Dashken, Jan 31, 2008.

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  1. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Team ARP is proud to announce our Graphics Card Giveaway for 2008! This is our way of saying thanks for being part of the Tech ARP community and helping us make it to where we are right now. Take a look at the prizes!

    The Prizes

    These may not be the latest graphics cards in the market but they are brand new. So, if you want to get one of these graphics cards absolutely FREE OF CHARGE, this is your chance!

    I Want To Participate!

    All you need to do is just participate in the Tech ARP Forums from February 3rd until March 1st, 2008! Join us in our discussions for the next four weeks and you could win one or more of these graphics cards!

    Every day of the contest, we will randomly select 20 forum members who have posted at least once that very day. You can be selected multiple times, as many times as the days that you have posted in the forums. This gives you a greater chance of winning the prize.

    There will be four contest periods. At the end of the first week, we will have a list of 140 forum nicks. There will be some repetitions of course, depending on how many were selected multiple times. One of those 140 forum nicks will be randomly selected as the winner for the first prize, the Palit GeForce 7300 GS.

    At the end of the second week, we will have a list of 280 forum nicks (counted from Feb. 3 onwards). One of those 280 forum nicks will be randomly selected as the winner for the second prize, the ASUS EN7600GS.

    Similarly, at the end of the third and fourth weeks, we will obtain fresh lists of 420 and 560 forum nicks respectively. One forum nick of each list will be randomly selected to win the third and fourth prizes respectively.

    You will need to be a registered member of the Tech ARP Forums so if you have not registered earlier, you will need to register before you can post. Don't worry - registration is FREE and the process is very simple! :thumb:

    Rules & Regulations

    Questions & Comments

    If you have a question or comment about this contest, please feel free to post them here!

    The Winners!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2008
  2. werty316

    werty316 Newbie

    Sweet, count me in.
  3. aKho

    aKho beat around the bush

    neat :pray:
  4. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Cool Classic Cards! Count me in too! :D
  5. lee_what2004

    lee_what2004 Just Started

    will try my best :twisted:
  6. ianho

    ianho Newbie

    Gimme gimme gimme. I want the 2 units of 7600GS so I can SLI them in my 3rd rig. :)
  7. pyroboy1911

    pyroboy1911 Newbie

    haha, i have no idea what to do with it even if i wanted it :haha:
  8. belikethat

    belikethat Just Started

    haha yeah me too
    me still on AGP 4x xD

    anyway let calculate the probability of a person getting all 4 GS :D
  9. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    LOL. If only I can join and win the 7600GT (exact same one like the one I'm using now) and SLI it. LOL!
  10. brajko2

    brajko2 Newbie

    Nice prizes I must say.. maybe to some people there aren't top-of-the-line, but hey..
    In our country there is a saying " it's better to have sparrow in hands then pigeon on the tree"
    And this time I completely agree with this saying
  11. SkylineRemix

    SkylineRemix Newbie

    oooo.... my current GC is a 7600GT (Asus)...
    If i win this time... hmmm.... and also i have a SLI board.... hmmmm..... =)
  12. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hint! Hint! Motherboard giveaway coming up soon! :twisted:
  13. belikethat

    belikethat Just Started

    urhm new mobo require new CPU,harddisk, ram too lol :D

    better buy a new pc hehe
  14. bobletman

    bobletman Newbie

    oh wow Im in for this, cool contest.
  15. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Wow... I want double win! So are these boards giveaway are the ones with SLI/Crossfire? :)
  16. zy

    zy Staff Member

    all pci express? no more AGP ? haha
  17. Zenphic

    Zenphic Newbie

    Hahah! Nvidia Geforce 7 series ftw... :thumb:
  18. pyroboy1911

    pyroboy1911 Newbie

    wah, lots of giveaways huh...if this goes one, i can win up to a whole PC :haha: :haha:
  19. 10071985

    10071985 Newbie

    fuh... nice nice
    just what i needed
  20. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Wait and see! :twisted:
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