What are you playing right now?

Discussion in 'Games' started by SAFETY, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. SkylineRemix

    SkylineRemix Newbie

    i'm abit outdated... but then haha... justed finish NFS Carbon... waiting for ProStreet to be installed in my comp now... =)
  2. cypris

    cypris Newbie

    Yeah bejeweled is best played on the pda. I used to play it very very often on my pda before my dad took it over and well....spoiled it. :cry:
  3. bobletman

    bobletman Newbie

    Anyone here play tetris every once in a while?
  4. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    I play worms on my PDA! :haha:
  5. werty316

    werty316 Newbie

    Currently not playing anything as I had to reinstall my OS and haven't found time to install any games.
  6. Mantrhax

    Mantrhax Newbie

  7. cypris

    cypris Newbie

    oooh! That's also a really nice game hahahaha
  8. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Too nice! But the controls are crappy though.

    EVIL_SoMEoNE "0104"

    ooh yes i play worms and pong.
    the best games ever!:cool:
  10. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    I am currently playing Super Mario Galaxy for my Wii :)
  11. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    Super Mario Galaxy is awesome... :thumb:
  12. epithanatios

    epithanatios Newbie

    currently, i'm practicing up on CoD4, UT3, and SupCom, getting ready for LANtabulous, but other than that, i'm waiting for my order of Gears of War, and I'm playing through Lost Planet on higher difficulties.
  13. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    Same here. Maybe after I got myself a better graphics card :haha:
  14. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Is it really that good?
  15. zicovsky

    zicovsky Newbie

    i'm playing my second run through on mass effect, what an awesome game, one of the best i've played.

    i wanted to play The Witcher on the pc, but my video card died and now the replacement can't run anything, arg can't believe it.
  16. Zenphic

    Zenphic Newbie

  17. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    After Super Mario Galaxy, I may have to tackle the greatness that is Bioshock and/or Crysis :)
  18. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    Oh definitely. Both of those are some of the best one of last year. :thumb:
  19. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    Like I've said, I've been playing a lot of Forza 2 lately (as well as Gears of War Co-Op with a buddy of mine).

    My newest car in Forza 2. The crazy fast FXX (pic below is me shooting past a MC12 :lol: ).

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  20. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    BioShock? The concept is great. The atmosphere is superb. I love the 30s period and the dystopian philosophy BioShock recreates. :thumb:

    Although it has a linear gameplay, the great storyline more than makes up for it. So do the songs and soundtrack. :thumb:

    I do wish the Splicers are a little more varied though. Would be great if they added a little randomness in how they look.

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