What are you playing right now?

Discussion in 'Games' started by SAFETY, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. TotalChaos

    TotalChaos Newbie

    I wonder who that might be :thumb: I have about 32 songs done on Hard and I just cant seem to get beyond the 7th set:boohoo:
  2. Mac Daddy

    Mac Daddy Pickin' Da Gitfiddle

    I have no idea who that could be :whistle:

    Hey for a guy that doesn't really play guitar I think your doing pretty damn good :thumb:
  3. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    Now? Playing Wild Arms XF on PSP..Just finished 2 games in psp..out of like...30 games XD
  4. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd


    I played all the guitar heros and that kinda made me pick up a real guitar sooo... :p

    Totally different though. 4 buttons vs 24 frets and six strings. But oh, so much cooler! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

    I've been playing Mass Effect for the third time.... :shifty:
  5. Mac Daddy

    Mac Daddy Pickin' Da Gitfiddle

    Cool Bro :thumb:
  6. Zenphic

    Zenphic Newbie

    I'm still playing the good old CS 1.6. I started replaying Armies of Exigo as well. I seriously need to get new games =_=
  7. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    Wild Arms XF, Jeanne D'arc, Metal Slug Anthology :lol:, Brave Story, Patapon.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2008
  8. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    Muahahahaha..I though u don't wanna play patapon :p... Anyway Jeanne D'Arc is good. For some reason i dunno why they sound weird. (the voice actress behind jeanne i think is a french o_o)
  9. jamotto

    jamotto Newbie

    I'd have to agree just finished the main quest, now I have to go resurrect Liane. :shock:

    anyways after that on too Socom Tactical Strike.
  10. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    o_O? Your mean you finished the game? Cool, i'm now trying to revive her actually :p
  11. Renald

    Renald Newbie

    I'm currently doing Cabal(MMORPG) while my all time favourite has gotta be CS :D
  12. jamotto

    jamotto Newbie

    This is my second time through, the first time I missed the 3 hidden items in the cemetery that only appear once.:doh:
  13. =CDU=Above

    =CDU=Above Newbie

    Call Of Duty 4 mutiplayer...always playing it. Maybe too much.

    Thinking about picking up Arma though.

    CALLOFDUTY05 Newbie

    I'm playing Dark Messiah & Crysis.Not liking the Crysis much.;)
  15. lee_what2004

    lee_what2004 Just Started

    just finished COD :D
    any other game worth to play? given low requirement :oops:
  16. DarKSeeD

    DarKSeeD BOG Translator

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and I'm loving it!
  17. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    lol, i always got my rose in my team (she's able to see hidden stuff ~.~)
  18. DemonicDerek

    DemonicDerek Newbie

    I am playing, games.

    More Specifically:
    Halo 3
  19. zicovsky

    zicovsky Newbie

    right now, on the pc:

    kotor 2


    lost odissey and pes 2008


    no more heroes
  20. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    How is No More Heroes?

    I've been waiting for that one but I still have games to beat (100% complete Super Mario Galaxy and I still have Zelda).

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