What are you playing right now?

Discussion in 'Games' started by SAFETY, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Ishtim

    Ishtim Super Moderator

    PC: LOST, Via Domus... I hate 3rd Person!:wall: :wall: :wall:
  2. JMMD

    JMMD Newbie

    World of Warcraft. I have a long list of games I want to play but I just don't have the time...
  3. Digerati

    Digerati Newbie

    COD 4 and I will be checking out Assasin's Creed soon.
  4. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    I second this question! ;) Interested in the game, but I need to choose between No More Heroes, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Mario Kart Wii... :p
  5. Isadar

    Isadar Newbie

    Right now playing Assassin's Creed too..quite different from other games since you are playing from your ancestor's memory. I guess it's worth checking out (plus it has quite decent graphics too).
  6. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    How's the gameplay?
  7. lee_what2004

    lee_what2004 Just Started

    Playing TrackMania right now :)
  8. akakiller07

    akakiller07 Newbie

    Cabal Online --Ogplanet.com
  9. akakiller07

    akakiller07 Newbie

    Oblivion great game! a little laggy
  10. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    Come Sunday, Apr 27, my life will be Mario Kart Wii... but only for 2 days because then I will be immeresed in GTAIV 8)
  11. zicovsky

    zicovsky Newbie

    no more heroes is pretty cool, only problem is that my wii is from europe, so my version of the game is european, and there's no blood in it. the enemies, when killed, just disapears in thin air. it really sucks.

    but apart from that, i'm enjoying it, i only played a couple of hours but it's fun, i can see it getting a bit repetitive, but it's fun so far, hope it gets better in the long run. also, this is the first game that my wrist hurts after playing for a while, lots of moves needed to kill the baddies.

    i already finished assassins creed and enjoyed it a lot also, it DOES get boring when you are some hours into the game, the missions you do before doing the main assassinations are repetitive and sometimes a pain in the ass. but it's an awesome game.
  12. vgwong

    vgwong Newbie

    Trying to play Charlie Don't Surf on veteran mode on Call of Duty 4 XBox360.
  13. jasperchc

    jasperchc Newbie

    started playing neverwinter nights 2 again, funny how i tend to spend more time trying to build the perfect character/class than actually playing the game :nuts:
  14. miahman

    miahman Newbie

    playing lunia mmo game
  15. Korrd

    Korrd Newbie

    I feel kind of lame saying so, but the only games I'm really playing at the moment are browser-based: AstroEmpires and Ikariam. :rolleyes:
  16. rogue_tomato

    rogue_tomato Newbie

    Just picked up MarioKart Wii, and it's awesome! It's old-school MarioKart with some new wrinkles added :) And for those nay-sayers.... the Wii Wheel DOES make a difference :p I tried playing with the Wii Remote with and without the Wheel attachement, and I prefer using the extra piece of plastic while playing... It just seems to allow a greater sense of subtly while driving.
  17. vgwong

    vgwong Newbie

    I went back to Call of Duty 3 multiplayer, and it took half an hour just to find a ranked match! :nuts:
  18. Mac Daddy

    Mac Daddy Pickin' Da Gitfiddle

    We picked this up for Wii yesterday too what a hoot !! :thumb:
  19. sultan_emerr

    sultan_emerr Newbie

    Now playing World of Warcraft.
  20. Mac Daddy

    Mac Daddy Pickin' Da Gitfiddle


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