where can i find the tv schedule for WC 2006 on RTM1, 2 & TV3?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by sunsetbay, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. sunsetbay

    sunsetbay Newbie

    Spore need to pay for cable users, free to air only show 4 matches!! pay tv license only gotta watch 4 matches!! WTH!!! heard msia channels got more WC matches. anyone have the tv schedule?? :mrgreen: :wave: :wave:
  2. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    5 channels. can watch all at the same time :thumb:
    not bad..not bad..
  3. sunsetbay

    sunsetbay Newbie

    do u hv the schedule like this:


    i only managed to capture the above. :doh:
  4. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    astro gives us this..

    Attached Files:

  5. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    RTM sucks. Heard that no England live matches, only delayed telecast. :faint:
  6. sunsetbay

    sunsetbay Newbie

    better than Sg mediacock channels man! they only broadcast 4 matches!! if want to watch all hv to subscribe to cable. :wall: :wall:
  7. Papercut

    Papercut Newbie

    Go McDonalds and watch...I heard they'll be showing :haha:
  8. sunsetbay

    sunsetbay Newbie

    my guess is that the place will be crowded. :doh:
  9. sunsetbay

    sunsetbay Newbie

    btw, i managed to captured the rtm schedule! :p :p


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