Which hand do you use to eat rice?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by rosamundwo, Jul 11, 2003.


Which hand do you use to eat rice?

  1. Left

    0 vote(s)
  2. Right

    0 vote(s)
  1. rosamundwo

    rosamundwo Newbie

    Left or Right?
    I use Right hand

    I am right handed..
  2. PY 222

    PY 222 <b>DF King</b>

    By hands, I would use the right hand.

    By fork and spoon, I would use both hands.
  3. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    I love eating by hand but my friends find that disgusting. :doh:

    But I think it's ok. I use right and both. :whistle:
  4. rosamundwo

    rosamundwo Newbie

    People who use left hand is good in sport.. or very stupid/ very intelligent..
  5. wiiz

    wiiz Just Started

    we should force our athletes to eat with left hand from now on then....
  6. Yupie

    Yupie News Writer

    i dun use my hand to eat rice.. i use my mouth..... but i use my righ hand to take the spoon to send the rice into my mouth to process... and my left hand is send the dishes into my mouth for acompany my rice to process ....
  7. Brian

    Brian Newbie

    i don't use the hand but fork and spoon. i'm left handed, so i use the left hand to take the spoon
  8. goldfries

    goldfries www.goldfries.com

    i'm left handed.
  9. drab

    drab Newbie

    ENOUGH SAID 8) dont like rice ;)
  10. Brian

    Brian Newbie

    so the 2 Brian's here are left handed?
  11. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Weird huh? How about the other Brians in your class? :D
  12. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    I eat with my right hand so I also wipe my @$$ with my right hand but I dig my nose with my left hand. PERIOD! LOL!
  13. Brian

    Brian Newbie

    they're not Brians, all Bryan, or Bryant
    jeremy, you need a personal hygeine course 101........... :lol:
  14. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    You are not alone. But I make sure I wash my hand in between. :D
  15. drab

    drab Newbie

    Dont need to wash hands if eating brown rice :sick: 8)
  16. Brian

    Brian Newbie

    brown rice colour might be same, but taste will be very different :sick:
  17. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Do you mean dumplings? :roll:
  18. Brian

    Brian Newbie

    i mean as in wash the a**, then eat rice, colour different, so no mood
    brown rice the colour looks the same, but it'll taste like shit because never wash the hands after washing the a**
  19. goldfries

    goldfries www.goldfries.com

    wow. try to stay within topic before it goes into 5hit and a55 talk.
  20. Werne

    Werne Newbie

    hey, I am left-handed too :p

    but well, in regards to eating rice, i take the spoon with my left and also chopsticks with my left.

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