Xbox 360 and PS3: death to PC gaming?

Discussion in 'Games' started by Ject, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. Ject

    Ject Newbie

    Source @ CNET reviews
  2. Yeah, I just tried playing an FPS game on PS2 in my friend's shop. It's really really hard to aim with the anologue stick!

    OT: Can we connect a USB keyboard and mouse to PS2 to play fps games???
  3. aKho

    aKho beat around the bush

    yup. ps2 has usb ports to support keyboard and mouse play. however, i've never tried it out. it just takes practice using the controller and i find it's not that bad once you get the hang of it.

    of course, nothing beats a good old keyboard and mouse combination.
  4. Ject

    Ject Newbie

    If i remember right... it is 6usb ports... I have 4 on my computer right now and don't use but 1 constantly and a 2nd off and on.
  5. Aion-X

    Aion-X Newbie

    How can I play Strategy Game like WarcraftIII in console. If they can use mouse and keyboard, answer is yes Death to PC gaming. But PC gaming will still exist as console in past 10 years.
  6. Gasjatt

    Gasjatt Newbie

    Death will never come to PC gaming!!! After all, games ARE designed on a PC...
    Hardcore gamers cum programmers can tweak their games on the PC too (mods), and that means more fun!!
  7. Gasjatt

    Gasjatt Newbie

    And don't forget, the PC's got Half Life (the best game if all time), surely Half Life fans will want to agree... PC gaming will continue on forever....
  8. Ject

    Ject Newbie

    bottom right hand corner of ur post... is a nice little button called "Edit" :)

    But uh, I don't know.. they might make the console more liek a PC. The Xbox 360 is kind of already going that way.
  9. Yeah, but I hate the trend they are going for; console is not just a gaming system. I believe most of us already have PC (to play mp3 and movies), vcd/dvd player and hi-fi system that should perform better. And what MS and Sony r doing now is to put everything in one piece and we end up to pay more $ for stuff we already own.
  10. aKho

    aKho beat around the bush

    shucks. i wish console can just stick to gaming, so more focus on quality games. i've already got a DVD player for my dvd's, a CD player for my audio cd's, and a PC to play everything else.

    with how things are going, i wont be surprise if my microwave ends up playing mp3s while its heating up my dinner, complete with built-in surround sound. :mrgreen:
  11. Viper007Bond

    Viper007Bond Newbie

    Not a chance in hell of PC games dying. Everyone says how much better the graphics on those consoles are than PCs, but they forget that they aren't even out yet. By the time they come out, PCs will once again be WAY ahead of the game.

    Plus, it comes down to price. I know a guy that dropped like a grand just for his graphics cards. I don't think too many people would want to pay a grand or more just for a console.

    You also can't play mods and stuff on a console. You can't easily patch a game. I've never liked playing on a TV. You need a keyboard/mouse to be any good at a FPS (yes, I know you can use them on consoles).

    Just look at Counter-Strike. Do you really see that going anywhere soon or the 5000 people or whatever LAN events? I think not.

    PC games aren't going anywhere. If anything, I think you'll see more cross platform games (take HL2 for the XBox for example).

    And I'd rather not play games at all then only have to use a console.
  12. zachig

    zachig Newbie

    PC Gaming will never die!!!

    There will always be games that are much more fun/comfortable to play on a PC rather than on a console, altough the new consoles (PS3 and X360) look promising.
  13. Ject

    Ject Newbie

    It is so much easier to hall an Xbox to a LAN party then it is to hall all of you computer junk/crap.
  14. Gasjatt

    Gasjatt Newbie

    Maybe one day there won't be anymore consoles or PCs...
    Maybe one day the two will merge and become one, called something like....The Ultimate Entertainment System???
    And when this happens, there will be no more which-one-is-the-best arguments between consoles and PC, because everyone will be using the SAME system!!!
  15. lordevious

    lordevious Newbie

    hello there

    a nice thought indeed, alas, that day will never come friend... think about it, if the two merge together, it will be the death for all games. competition drives motivation, laddie.
    1 person likes this.
  16. Ject

    Ject Newbie

    on't say never. Someone said we will "never" need more then 640k of RAM. well we hav passed that big time.

    Some day it might happen, or some day we will be implanted with crap and the computer will be in are brain or something.
  17. lordevious

    lordevious Newbie

    u seen to many sci fi movies laddie, alas,so have i :)
    maybe you are right, well,for me pc still rocks. sony, microsoft and nintendo can come up with more consoles, but the emulators for the pc will be there to take the lead :twisted: . 2xsai engine for a genesis game? no loading time for playstation games? (ISO) ok, u say that xbox have emulators and u can run games from its hard disk? well, think about this >> 800GB hard disk space. beat that consoles!!!! :mrgreen: sorry, got a little carried away :doh:

    another thing is the game developers. if u have been to the video game store lately, u'll see that xbox is shy in its vastness of game library while ps2's game library will make parents cry (at least 4 new games a week)

    and for pc game library... hmmm well we could say that if this whole world can be turn into a giant mmorpg/game, then pc will be its platform. pc rule!
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2005
  18. Terryb47

    Terryb47 Newbie

    you mean all the crappy games coming out on PS2 :whistle: , 1 outa 10 games coming out might be worth playing, on Xbox it's more like 1 out of 5. not to mention that the PS2 is like nearly 5 years old now, of course it's selection of games is taking up 80% space in the gameshop.

    ontopic: I dont' think PC gaming will ever die, though the next gen machines' specs are stunning. some games aren't just meant to be played on a console and vice versa. like FPS games aren't just the same on a console: ofcourse you can buy a kb/mouse converter, it's still not the same.
  19. MooCow

    MooCow Newbie

    you do notice something right? consoles cant be upgraded. once released, the technology might be more advanced than computer hardware, but after a year or two, computers will be ahead of it.

    i really dont think that a console system will end pc gaming.
  20. Ject

    Ject Newbie

    You have a point, But if you've also noticed, They are trying to make consoles upgradable. Not as much as a PC but they are gradually getting there. Playsation 2 and Xbox you couldn't. XBOX 360 and PS3 you can upgrade the HDD, and some other items.

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