This is done by Mr Brown, a very funny local blogger/writer. The main site for his shows can be found here: And Zhng My Car episode 1: This is seriously one of the funniest things ever. I laughed until I was almost going to cry already If you search the blog you can find the other episodes. I haven't listened to them yet though. Enough laughter for one day
Still waiting for Chai to see this...I know he will enjoy it Anyway, yeah Trin you should listen to it a couple of times and ask us if you have trouble understanding particular parts.
LOL! I've already listened to the first episode when it was out few months back. Just downloaded the rest, weekend coming soon!!!
I think Americans/Europeans talk slowly and make sure their grammar and pronunciation are as correct as possible? But from series, I find their talking not slower than a Chinese also. In some movies, I can't even catch what they are talking about... mumbling away, that's why I prefer subtitle when watching movies.
Yeah, I don't agree when people say that we Singaporeans/Malaysians talk too fast. It's the way we pronounce the words that makes it hard to understand. You want fast talking, go to Spain or Scotland
Hey, it's Zhng, not yhng... Yeah, our pronunciation is poor. We don't even pronouce 't', 's', 'ed'...
LOL! How about a Texan running an auction? I'm sure he's fast enough but as for Norwegians, they don't talk fast per-se is just that they tend to swear in vowels and most of the time it sounds as if they're yelling at you. Damn cool if you ask me now I wonder where I can take them lessons.