Christmas Gathering

Discussion in 'Community Projects' started by Chai, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. Reyne

    Reyne Newbie

    So, still got present exchanging a? :D

    *Why I ask so much? :think: I'm not going also... :haha: *
  2. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    It's not Christmas anymore...

    But kiamsiap (stingy) is the real reason... hahahaha
  3. cypris

    cypris Newbie

    hahahaha I didn't suggest it because everyone seems rather hyped about going to A&W. Anyways the palce i had earlier suggested to jeremy and chai was the nyonya restaurant i posted up about in the Pictures Of My Dinner thread =D
  4. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Hey, where's that? I don't mind going for a second round. :wicked:
  5. GarPhreak

    GarPhreak Newbie

    Hmm... Was it that MaMa's place? That's nearer for me hehe... But I'm still not sure where it is... :shifty:

    Anyway probably can't get tables now edi... So A&W at 8 rite? Confirm? :shifty:
  6. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    I thought 7? But I guess it's ok, most will be late anyway! :haha:
  7. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    I've updated the first post, let me know if you are coming, or if you have transport problem, let me know!
  8. Zen

    Zen Das lässige Schwein

    8 only la....all working..some more now jam like crazie o.. :S
    so how many people coming le?
  9. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    only 8 person came... apala. next time more should come! :) Anyways, pics soon. For now I go bath!
  10. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Here's the photos ...

    Attached Files:

  11. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Here's more.

    Attached Files:

  12. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    More more!

    Attached Files:

  13. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Aiks!!! I just found out that I didn't take Garphreak's photo! :O :( :faint:

    Attached Files:

  14. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    Last one. THis is a shot of the mamak fellow that was shaking our drinks :)

    Attached Files:

  15. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue

    Hello guys!! :wave: :wave:
  16. cypris

    cypris Newbie

    Nearby Atria at Damansara Jaya :p

    Yes it is xD hahaha... I'm quite sure it's possible to find space wan la :p but then again it already way too late hahaha~ :p
  17. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Don't worry, anyone want ones a second round? :haha:
  18. peaz

    peaz ARP Webmaster Staff Member

    LOL.... Well, CNY's coming so let's start planning for the next ARP CNY Gathering! :D And this time, let's plan earlier so we can get things better organised.
  19. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    GarPhreak damn kuat wei!!!!

    tennis kaki fulamak :thumb:
  20. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Still having trouble believing he'd actually left us for tennis?

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