Dashken sounds indian lah... it's not even remotely close to japanese. It's because there's an indian name Darshan..
Let's forget about the tree. I still have one roll of film. Will post them later when I get it developed. So, stay tuned.
LOL! I think they are not going to let you off, Dashken! So you might as well just tell us which one is your "tree" or "girl", etc...
hm ? three timming or wat ? ahhaha.. just kidding... Im so correct... ur smile never change... no hard feelings !
LOL! If I don't smile, I'll look very terrible. I've corrected my smiles on a few occasions already. I tried smiling without my teeth visible once, wow... terrible.
Rejected you? Ohh damn... try again later. There might be chance she will change her mind. About which one is my tree, you guess.