Driving in penang

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PowerSlide, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Emergency? Why are they on north south highway? No hospital in their what ever place they came from? :mrgreen: These kind of reckless drivers on highway are just seeking thrills or just being arrogant on the road.
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Only logical hospitals near the North South Highway would be the new Sungei Buloh and Putrajaya hospitals. But generally, such patients would be in ambulances....

    Even if they are in cars, these cars would normally be flashing the emergency signals, not just flashing everyone out of their way. :D
  3. PowerSlide

    PowerSlide Just Started

    all i wana drive is a hummer H1..queue jumper beware..i would drive over ur hood :haha:

    idiots drivers are everywhere..just drive safe and defensively :thumb:
  4. Trinity

    Trinity Little Kiki Staff Member

    What about potholes? Man the winter brings them on fast here... One day nothing... The next a 1/2 foot deep hole that you hit at 50mph+ sometimes!!!:shock: :mad: (check for damage):pray:
  5. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Well, we do have quite a few potholes but our potholes get fixed every 5 years or so, just before general elections. ;)

    Back in India, the yearly monsoon would create potholes in all the roads, making them really bad especially after the long moonsoon. Luckily, they fix them on a yearly basis, right after the monsoon season.
  6. priji

    priji Newbie

    Penang is connected to the mainland and the North-South Express way by Penang Bridge one of the longest bridges in Asia. One-way toll for a car from mainland is RM7 no charge for vehicles to mainland.
  7. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    LOL!! You are obviously not Malaysian if you have to plagiarize that from Penang travel guide - Wikitravel :naughty: :naughty:

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